
Stud­ies indi­cate that the focus of tourism as well as sports and well­be­ing trends aligns pre­cise­ly with the exist­ing strengths of Vir­pinie­mi. The tim­ing for devel­op­ing exist­ing ser­vices and expand­ing the prof­itable ser­vice range is there­fore most oppor­tune right now. Renewals are help­ing the ver­sa­tile exer­cise, sports and recre­ation resort to grow into an even more abun­dant par­adise of experiences.

The pro­files of ski tracks in Vir­pinie­mi are the best in the Oulu region. Cir­cum­stances improve with the new first-snow track that opens in 2025. Vir­pinie­mi Golf has been ranked among the ten best golf cours­es in Fin­land for sev­er­al year. The area has excel­lent cross-coun­try sports routes. The area has fris­bee golf cours­es, arti­fi­cial turf and padel courts as well as an out­door exer­cise park. The most sig­nif­i­cant horse and dog sports facil­i­ties in North­ern Fin­land as well as grow­ing and invest­ing com­pa­nies are also locat­ed in the area.

Lean-tos, camp­fire sites and a bird-watch­ing tow­er pro­vide rest­ing places for hik­ers. There is also an SF-Car­a­van camp­site and plen­ty of hol­i­day homes near the sports facil­i­ties. The beach, mari­na and near­by islands offer mar­itime experiences.

The sea, nature, well­be­ing, exer­cise and sports, oth­er activ­i­ties and diverse ser­vices come togeth­er in Vir­pinie­mi. The area as the most pop­u­lar exer­cise and out­door recre­ation facil­i­ty is an empow­er­ing resource for over 270,000 inhab­i­tants in the Oulu region.

The num­ber of inhab­i­tants, touris­tic attrac­tion and good acces­si­bil­i­ty of the Oulu region improve the user poten­tial in com­par­i­son with cor­re­spond­ing sites in the coun­try.
Vir­pinie­mi lever­ages the sea and oth­er nature and is cur­rent­ly build­ing up into a year-round nature and active tourism resort, com­bin­ing the sec­tors of out­door recre­ation, exer­cise, well­be­ing and sports.
This wide­ly recog­nised poten­tial enables Vir­pinie­mi to devel­op into a nation­al and inter­na­tion­al lev­el activ­i­ty and tourist cen­tre.

Togeth­er we can ensure that your invest­ment is always in the top spot here! Ask more about oppor­tu­ni­ties to invest in tourism in Vir­pinie­mi:

Jyr­ki Kemp­painen, Account Man­ag­er
tel. +358 44 499 3296