Wel­come, yay

Wel­come to your brand new Word­Press instal­la­tion pow­ered by the Ser­a­vo Word­Press project lay­out. Hope­ful­ly you have also decid­ed to host your web­site with us and to take advan­tage of all the great fea­tures that we pro­vide. We have cleaned up the instal­la­tion to save you the trou­ble of remov­ing sam­ple con­tent that you would get with a stan­dard Word­Press instal­la­tion.

Get­ting Start­ed

If you already have a site set­up with us at Ser­a­vo you might want to clone that as described in our devel­op­er docs.

If you are using our lay­out with our Vagrant box you already have mul­ti­ple devel­op­er tools installed as described in our GitHub readme. We have pro­vid­ed you with many use­ful helper com­mands and default val­ues that will get you start­ed quick­ly.

Fur­ther Ques­tions

If you have any fur­ther ques­tions about our ser­vices or any­thing to dis­cuss, don’t hes­i­tate to check out the fol­low­ing resources or con­tact us at:

Oh, and if there is any­thing you would like to improve with this instal­la­tion process please open a issue on https://github.com/Seravo/wordpress – or why not sub­mit a pull request straight away in the spir­it of open source soft­ware! 😉