Oulu – High­er grade of embed­ded AI

San­ta Clara, Cal­i­for­nia | May 16–19, 2022

Embed­ded VISION Sum­mit

Oulu is a tech­nol­o­gy-ori­ent­ed city in Fin­land focus­ing heav­i­ly on embed­ded soft­ware tech­nolo­gies and machine vision appli­ca­tions. The move­ment and vibra­tion in these areas are motored by numer­ous soft­ware devel­op­ing com­pa­nies.

Meet us at Embed­ded Vision Sum­mit Booth no. 211

In Embed­ded Vision Sum­mit May 16–19 2022 You are very wel­come to meet our star mem­ber rep­re­sen­ta­tives in per­son at our booth (211).

Logo of Unikie
Logo of Silo.AI

Unikie Inc.

Unikie con­nects peo­ple, process­es and vehi­cles — in real-team. We enable con­tin­u­ous sit­u­a­tion­al aware­ness for autonomous mobil­i­ty, aug­ment­ed oper­a­tional assis­tance and process man­age­ment

Found­ed in 2015, Unikie is one of Euro­pean fastest grow­ing tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies. Our goal for the near future is to keep up our rapid inter­na­tion­al growth pace, because the demand for our AI, deep tech­nol­o­gy and secu­ri­ty solu­tions is increas­ing rapid­ly across the globe. We employ over 500 soft­ware devel­op­ers in Fin­land, Swe­den, Ger­many, Poland, Esto­nia and the Unit­ed States.

Silo AI

AI for peo­ple. Silo AI is one of Europe’s largest pri­vate AI labs – a trust­ed AI part­ner that brings com­pet­i­tive advan­tage to prod­uct R&D.

We build AI-dri­ven solu­tions and prod­ucts to enable smart devices, autonomous vehi­cles, indus­try 4.0, and smart cities. Silo AI pro­vides its cus­tomers a unique access to world-class AI exper­tise, as well as the Silo OS infra­struc­ture to speed up AI devel­op­ment and deploy­ment. Estab­lished in 2017, Silo AI is on a mis­sion to build a Euro­pean flag­ship AI com­pa­ny, with offices cur­rent­ly in Helsin­ki, Turku, Tam­pere, Oulu, Stock­holm, Copen­hagen, Lon­don and Palo Alto.


AI empow­ered imag­ing – the smart way. Our embed­ded solu­tions devel­op­ment com­pe­ten­cies will help you to design a qual­i­ty prod­uct that users appre­ci­ate.

You are also very wel­come to hear more about our net­work of com­pa­nies and their prod­ucts.

We help you iden­ti­fy hard­ware func­tion­al­i­ty that can be replaced with effi­cient and scal­able soft­ware. We can help build­ing the device. We add sen­sors and con­nec­tiv­i­ty to the prod­uct. And last but not least, we make it pos­si­ble to con­trol the prod­uct and ensure it can be flex­i­bly accessed from any device or API.

We design the prod­uct human-machine inter­faces accord­ing to the end-user’s needs and envi­ron­ment. We test whether the prod­uct design con­cept meets its goals. We also have sev­er­al com­pa­nies offer­ing ser­vices focus­ing on hard­ware. We con­nect prod­ucts, via com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­to­cols, with net­work or oth­er devices. We inte­grate the prod­uct with sen­sors to read and col­lect envi­ron­men­tal data. 

We make sure that your prod­ucts and ser­vices are smart.

Oulu – High­er grade of embed­ded AI