Chasing the Auroras: Anibal’s journey of self-discovery and community

Meet Anibal, an IT student at OAMK, who moved from Santiago’s lively and busy streets to Oulu to search for a new life. 3 years later, sitting on top of a hill, Anibal looked out to the sky with their friends, and discovered what life is all about.
Anibal is from a busy, highly populated city Santiago, Chile. Santiago has over 5 million people, one city having more people than all of Finland. Anibal’s days would consist of busy streets, packed public transport and lively daily life, right until they made their decision to move to Finland for studies.
– It started in 2019 or 2018. I saw a documentary about Europe’s systems, Anibal recounts.
– The documentary focused especially on Finland’s education system. And ever since then, I was like oh, must be cool to study there, sounds really cool. What a shame I will never be able to experience it. And then I was like… But why, though? I can apply to it, I can at least try. So, I tried that, and well… it worked.
And so, Anibal made the decision to apply to study in Finland, inspired both by the documentary and the various positive recounts they had heard of Finland. They got accepted in multiple universities, but Anibal chose OAMK due to its higher student count. In 2020, Anibal begun their studies at OAMK in Information Technology, specializing in web and app development.

Settling in Oulu
Arriving at Oulu, Anibal found Oulu to be very quiet. The buses weren’t packed like in Santiago, on the contrary; there was only one other person on the bus with Anibal that departed from the airport that day. There were no pickpockets, and the streets of Oulu were calmer and safer to traverse.
– It felt a bit surreal because a lot of the things that people said about Finland were actually true.
As Anibal resided in Oulu, they found Oulu was making an effort to make things better for everyone. During COVID, the regulations ensured everyone affordable access to masks and tests. Anibal found Oulu’s bike system to be well developed, ensuring an easy way to move around with a bike. With little effort, they could traverse around Oulu using the well-maintained bike lanes. There is nature all around, and Anibal enjoys nature daily through parks, Kuivasjärvi and the various forest paths.
“It felt a bit surreal because a lot of the things that people said about Finland were actually true.”
– There are very few green spots in Santiago, mostly because it’s like a very big urban city. Like there’s no spot for trees. Here, I look out my window and I have a forest.
During their stay in Oulu, Anibal has picked up cycling and paddleboarding. Today, one of Anibal’s favorite activities is to go to Kuivasjärvi to paddle along the lake.
Finding a Community
In 2020, the world was experiencing the COVID-lockdown. Anibal found themselves feeling lonely in their apartment in the beginning of their studies due to the lockdown. However, Anibal discovered how to find friends in Oulu.
Anibal began to attend various hobby groups, events, and organizations to find various new friends.
– I think in Chile, if you just go somewhere, you will end up in a community somehow. But in Oulu you kind of have to look for it. But it’s not really like you have to make an effort to be part of the community. It’s like… I want to go here. I want to be part of this. So you go, and bam. You are part of it. You have to take the first step, I think. That’s the main thing that I’ve noticed here, that other people won’t make you take the first step for you. You have to do it yourself, and once you’re in, you’re in.
Anibal found that while Finnish people may seem cold at first, one should not be afraid to approach them. Once approached, Finnish people often are very gentle, kind, and helpful people.
– I think the best example is this one friend that is 2 meters tall. He always has a poker face, but if he sees somebody in trouble, he will run to them and help them. If you’re having trouble, he will try to help you. He is always willing to talk with you. People look at him and might assume that he’s scary, but he’s like the most peaceful person I know.
Discovering Work-Life Balance
This year, Anibal needed to complete an internship for their studies. Fortunately, Anibal received a recommendation from a friend to a company called Vuo AI. After sending their CV and doing various skill testing, Anibal was told they received the position. Even after the internship, Anibal received a job through the company.
Upon experiencing Finnish work culture through their current workplace, Anibal finds Finnish work culture to be one of a kind. Prior to Finland, Anibal had an impression that work traineeships would be boring, but Anibal had the opposite experience. Anibal was positively surprised by how well free time and vacation time is respected.
– When you get out of work, you get out of work. You don’t think about it until 9:00. AM tomorrow. And in the meantime, you can just do whatever you want with the money that you got from work. Which is like the point of working. And I love that in Finland it just works like that. It just works as intended. I can get out of work and just go to a lake and swim or go to Nallikari and just… Fool around, or I can just walk around the city centre and grab a burger.
Chasing the Auroras
It was an evening in the springtime. Anibal and their friends found out that there was going to be a huge aural activity all over the world. So, the friends went together to hunt for auroras. After some walking, they ended up on top of a hill, looking out to the sky. At that moment, Anibal realized just how much their life had changed. Only 3 years ago, Anibal had felt lonely due to COVID, and now here they were, looking at the sky surrounded by friends, in the middle of nature.
– At that moment I realized how many great things I have gained from being here. It was late at night, but I didn’t feel unsafe. I was in the middle of nature. I was with people that accept me for who I am. And we were waiting for a natural phenomenon to happen, that doesn’t happen anywhere else. Even though we didn’t get to see it, it still was amazing.
Today, Anibal finds Oulu a peaceful place to live. They have matured and begun to enjoy life more, making sure to take things slower. Anibal has found not only new friends and experiences, but also unique job opportunities. In the future, Anibal would like to stay in Oulu.
Text: Anni-Maria Teirikko