Board Games & Net­work­ing Event – It’s Gonna Be Leg­endary

Networking event

Atten­tion, all game enthu­si­asts and leg­ends! The event that has already earned the title of leg­endary is back, and this time we’re tak­ing it to a whole new lev­el.

For the first time, our board games and net­work­ing event will be held at an inno­v­a­tive and oppor­tu­ni­ty-filled loca­tion: Tech­nop­o­lis, Sepänkatu 20, Oulu! Where bet­ter to write the next chap­ter of our sto­ry?

So get your strate­gic think­ing ready, dust off your gam­ing skills, and most impor­tant­ly – pre­pare for an evening full of laugh­ter, games, and friend­ly (and maybe a lit­tle com­pet­i­tive) bat­tles.

In addi­tion to epic board games (which, by the way, are as com­pet­i­tive as your worst deci­sion in Monop­oly), you’ll also enjoy free snacks and drinks – because, as every true hero knows, play­ing on an emp­ty stom­ach is a dis­as­ter wait­ing to hap­pen.

This free event is orga­nized by Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu and Bloom Fin­land and is lit­er­al­ly “leg­endary” – if you haven’t been yet, get ready for the best part of your month. And if you already know our leg­endary event, well… you know exact­ly what we’re talk­ing about!

Come and find out what it means to be part of this leg­end that’s been going strong for over a year. Bar­ney Stin­son would be proud!

Game on!

P.S. We may have used the word “leg­endary” too many times, but when an event is this good, there’s no such thing as too much leg­endary!