Board Games & Net­work­ing: The Christ­mas Spe­cial

Board Games & Networking: The Christmas Special

Oulu, get ready! On Decem­ber 19th, Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu with Bloom will trans­form into a hol­i­day won­der­land of board games, net­work­ing, and a pinch of fes­tive mis­chief. Think Mari­ah Carey on loop, the Grinch flip­ping a Monop­oly board, and Kevin McCal­lis­ter set­ting traps in Catan.

What’s in Store?

Why You Can’t Miss This

What to Do?

Join us! Bring your inner Grinch, Kevin’s cre­ativ­i­ty, and Alan Rickman’s dra­mat­ic flair. Let’s play, con­nect, and cel­e­brate the hol­i­days in a way you’ll nev­er for­get.

RSVP now, because if you’re late, you’ll be stuck play­ing Monop­oly with the Grinch – and he doesn’t play fair.

See you on Decem­ber 19th, Oulu!