New loca­tion for Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu

We are mov­ing! Start­ing Sep­tem­ber 2, Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu, along with Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma ser­vices, will be relo­cat­ing to the Tech­nop­o­lis City Cen­ter cam­pus.

Here’s what to expect in August:
Until August 23 we’ll con­tin­ue to pro­vide ser­vices at Hal­li­tuskatu. August 26–30 our premis­es will be closed due to the mov­ing process. How­ev­er, we’ll still be avail­able to assist you remote­ly via email and phone.

New Loca­tion from Sep­tem­ber 2:
Find us at Uusikatu 52, along­side oth­er Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma ser­vices. We’ll be open week­days from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Con­tact Details:
No change! Reach us at our usu­al email address and phone num­ber.

We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you at our new loca­tion!