
Houses by the river photographed from the air. In the centre, there are also some berths with boats parked.

In Oulu, you can live in the heart of the city cen­tre or by a lake, and your hous­ing costs will not climb through the roof. As far as styles go, hous­ing options range from the lat­est mod­ern archi­tec­ture to old­er, idyl­lic alter­na­tives in cosy sub­urbs. New dis­tricts have been built with­in flu­ent con­nec­tions from the city cen­tre.

The advan­tages of every­day liv­ing in Oulu com­pared to oth­er big cities have been mea­sured. Com­pared to Helsin­ki, for exam­ple, an Oulu res­i­dent gets dou­ble the square metres for their home with the same amount of mon­ey. The small but big city can offer some­thing many oth­ers can­not.

Despite its size, Oulu is seen as a good envi­ron­ment for chil­dren to grow up, a safe place to live in, and a pleas­ant envi­ron­ment in gen­er­al – these are usu­al­ly the ben­e­fits of small towns. This is why Oulu is such a shin­ing star as a place to live: it com­bines the oppor­tu­ni­ties of a big city with the ben­e­fits of a small com­mu­ni­ty.

More infor­ma­tion about hous­ing in Oulu

Read more about hous­ing in Oulu:
City of Oulu hous­ing pages (opens in a new tab: ouka.fi)

f you already live here, you can browse the city ser­vices
City of Oulu ser­vices (opens in a new tab: ouka.fi)

An image study by Sta­tis­tics Fin­land showed that as many as 16 per cent of Finns might think about mov­ing to Oulu. In pro­por­tion to the whole pop­u­la­tion this equals to 700 000 Finns. As many as 57 per cent of the peo­ple in north­ern Fin­land might think about mov­ing to Oulu.