North Fin­land Film Com­mis­sion

North Fin­land Film Com­mis­sion

Easy to reach, easy to realise

Map of Europe

The region of North Fin­land Film Com­mis­sion (NFFC) is locat­ed in the mid­dle of Fin­land and there­fore includes the best parts of both East­ern and West­ern Fin­land – fells with snow-cov­ered trees in the east and an arc­tic sea with vari­able coastal area in the west.

Map of Central Finland

North Fin­land Film Com­mis­sion is your first link to the local author­i­ties and the film infra­struc­ture in North­ern Fin­land. NFFC has offices in Oulu, the busi­ness hub of North­ern Fin­land, eas­i­ly reach­able by plane, train, or car. Oulu is an insight­ful and down-to-earth city that lives and breathes on the terms of the north­ern nature. The city of Oulu has a region­al incen­tive up to 10%. In addi­tion, the area offers vari­able sea­sons and ver­sa­tile options for film­ing loca­tions.

Winter in Oulu, seen from the air

Up to 10% region­al pro­duc­tion incen­tive

Eli­gi­ble costs are expens­es relat­ed to the pro­duc­tion incurred in the city of Oulu.

25% Finnish cash rebate

Fin­land offers a fast and sim­ple 25% cash rebate to cov­er pro­duc­tion costs in Fin­land. The pro­duc­tion incen­tive is man­aged by Busi­ness Fin­land.

Choose a sea­son that suits your sto­ry

Summer night in Nallikari, Oulu

– the sun that nev­er sets

– a fire­work of colours

Snowy trees in winter

– snowy won­der­land

Spingtime on Varjakka island

– awak­en­ing nature

Choose a loca­tion:

Short dis­tances and a great logis­tic net­work com­bined with reli­able and pre­cise co-oper­a­tion makes film­ing easy to actu­alise.

Con­tact infor­ma­tion

Reet­ta Turu­la

Film Com­mis­sion­er
North Fin­land Film Com­mis­sion
+358 40 489 5865