Tykkylumisia puita sinisessä hetkessä.
Tykkylumisia puita sinisessä hetkessä.

North Fin­land Film Com­mis­sion

Easy to reach, easy to rea­li­se

The NFFC region is loca­ted in the midd­le of Fin­land and the­re­fo­re inclu­des the best parts of both Eas­tern and Wes­tern Fin­land – fells with snow cove­red trees on the east side and an arc­tic sea with rug­ged arc­hi­pe­la­go in the west.

Tykkylumisia puita auringonlaskun vaaleanpunaiseksi värjäämässä auringonlaskussa.

Up to 10% regio­nal pro­duc­tion incen­ti­ve

Eli­gible costs are expen­ses rela­ted to the pro­duc­tion incur­red in the city of Oulu.

25% Fin­nish cash reba­te

Fin­land offers a fast and simple 25% cash reba­te to cover pro­duc­tion costs in Fin­land. The pro­duc­tion incen­ti­ve is mana­ged by Busi­ness Fin­land.

Beau­ti­ful natu­re

Urban & industrial loca­tions

Tunnelmallinen auringonsäteiden värjäämä maisema havumetsään, jonka keskellä on pieni mökki kosken vieressä.

Short dis­tances and a great logis­tic network com­bi­ned with reliable and preci­se co-ope­ra­tion makes fil­ming easy to actua­li­se.

Con­tact infor­ma­tion

Reet­ta Turu­la

Film Com­mis­sio­ner
North Fin­land Film Com­mis­sion
+358 40 489 5865