Look­ing to gain employ­ment, acquire a men­tor or make new pro­fes­sion­al con­nec­tions in Oulu?

Three persons at the Career center

Every year, thou­sands of inter­na­tion­al stu­dents come to the uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu as stu­dents or researchers. Most of the stu­dents want­i­ng to stay back and gain work expe­ri­ence here. Some might even want to study fur­ther and get into research. So where can stu­dents, main­ly inter­na­tion­al stu­dents and researchers, go to get guid­ance on CV writ­ing, net­work­ing, updat­ing their skills or sim­ply under­stand the Finnish work envi­ron­ment?

Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu pro­vides guid­ance and much more to its stu­dents and researchers through Career cen­ter, where Angela Suor­sa is the career coun­selor. An amaz­ing per­son­al­i­ty who, with all the years of expe­ri­ence, will give the best advice to help you grow.

Locat­ed at the heart of the Lin­nan­maa cam­pus, Career cen­ter is your one stop place to go if you need any help regard­ing, you guessed it, career!

Woman smiling on the camera
Angela Suor­sa is the career coun­selor of Career cen­ter.

They also pro­vide infor­ma­tion on all types of jobs like sum­mer jobs, intern­ships, research work, you name it, and they can offer their guid­ance.

They hold many work­shops through­out the year help­ing both stu­dents and researchers get ‘work ready’ where they help in per­son­al brand­ing, ele­va­tor pitch, CV and LinkedIn build­ing, and net­work­ing. These work­shops are very infor­ma­tive regard­ing work­ing life in Fin­land, the dos and don’ts of inter­views, giv­ing prac­ti­cal advice to job seek­ers.

They have tak­en a lot of ini­tia­tives to help cater to the needs of the stu­dents and researchers, which are praise­wor­thy. Some of the oth­er ser­vices they pro­vide are:

  1. Drop in career coach­ing
  2. Mock inter­view and ele­va­tor pitch
  3. Ser­vices for doc­tor­al researchers
  4. Arc­tic advisors–they pro­vide guid­ance on liv­ing in Oulu and about uni­ver­si­ty life. They are there to answer any ques­tions that you might have on the top­ic.

There are many recruit­ment events at the cam­pus held all through­out the year as well. You can have a look at the upcom­ing events, details on the above ser­vices on their web­site:

Career Cen­tre | Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu