Dis­cov­er Oulu from a fresh per­spec­tive – from its water­ways

The new water taxi takes you to four dif­fer­ent des­ti­na­tions, and along the way you can admire the scenery of mar­itime Oulu.

This is some­thing many peo­ple have been miss­ing in Oulu!

Sea Oulu launched its water taxi ser­vice in June. The route runs from Tor­in­ran­ta to Top­pi­lansal­mi, to the Red Myl­ly pier. In between, the water taxi stops at two piers in Hietasaari, Johteen­poo­ki and See­lari.

For exam­ple, a round trip, start­ing and end­ing at Tor­in­ran­ta takes just under two hours. The boat runs accord­ing to the weath­er until the end of August.

You can also hop on board from any of the four piers and trav­el, for exam­ple, one dis­tance. Trips can­not be booked in advance, but the water taxi can be booked entire­ly for pri­vate use.

The boat can car­ry up to ten pas­sen­gers. On week­days, depar­tures are every two hours from Tor­in­ran­ta between 12:00 and 18:00. From Wednes­day to Sat­ur­day, the water taxi also runs until 22:00 in the evenings.

See detailed sched­ules here.