Doris Yue believes her dreams will come true in Oulu

Doris Yue, 35, is an archi­tect liv­ing in Oulu and work­ing at Uki Archi­tects. She is from Hong Kong and has stud­ied her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in archi­tec­ture there. She has worked as an archi­tect in Hong Kong for sev­en years before mov­ing to Fin­land. Oulu Tal­ent Hub inter­viewed Yue about her thoughts on liv­ing and work­ing in Oulu.

”I am Doris Yue, 35, and I come from Hong Kong. I start­ed work­ing at Uki Archi­tects as an archi­tect a year ago.

I’ve stud­ied archi­tec­ture for five years in Hong Kong and obtained both Bach­e­lor’s and Mas­ter’s degrees there. I’ve been work­ing as an archi­tect in Hong Kong for sev­en years before I moved to Fin­land.

I’ve mar­ried with a Finnish man and I moved to Oulu about two and a half years ago. To start out my life here, I took lan­guage cours­es first for a cou­ple of months.

I applied for this job by send­ing an email direct­ly to the boss of the office. Togeth­er with the help of my hus­band who knew the boss per­son­al­ly.

I got a reply email a few days lat­er and I was invit­ed for an inter­view. The inter­view went well and I was work­ing as an intern for three months. After the intern­ship, I suc­cess­ful­ly got a per­ma­nent con­tract with the office.

I am hap­py with my sit­u­a­tion. As the pan­dem­ic has start­ed last year, find­ing a job is even hard­er than before. I was lucky to get the con­tract.

Oulu is a place to dream, believes Doris Yue.

My first impres­sions about Oulu were: it is small and qui­et.

Finnish peo­ple may look cold, but it’s just a façade, but in real­i­ty, they are very friend­ly and warm.
There are lots of open-mind­ed peo­ple in Oulu.

You do not have to be pan­ic when you express your opin­ions. Finnish peo­ple love to hear dif­fer­ent opin­ions and they appre­ci­ate them.

I live near the city park, Ain­olan Puis­to. So for me, that park is the best place in Oulu. I love hang­ing around there, espe­cial­ly in the sum­mer.

The best Finnish activ­i­ty is pick­ing mush­rooms and berries in the for­est. It’s so amaz­ing that I can pick those direct­ly from the land and eat them right away. I can’t expe­ri­ence that in my home city.

I like danc­ing and I take dance lessons reg­u­lar­ly here, too.

Nature is a source of ener­gy for Doris Yue.

I’m very inspired by the “break” cul­ture (tauko in Finnish) in my office. We have two offi­cial cof­fee breaks dur­ing the day. One is start­ing even before work and anoth­er one is after lunchtime. Every­one is encour­aged to take a break when­ev­er need­ed. It’s Finnish wis­dom.

The office life is quite infor­mal in Oulu as well. My col­leagues are just like my friends more than my work­mates.

Anoth­er inspi­ra­tion is the learn­ing cul­ture here. Less is more. Finnish kids do not have exces­sive home­work and don’t have to spend hours and hours every day study­ing. They have a lot of free time to play or focus on their own hob­bies. They also have a long sum­mer hol­i­day with­out sum­mer home­work. On the con­trary, kids in my home city usu­al­ly spend their spare time prepar­ing for the exams all year round includ­ing sum­mer.

”Oulu is a place to dream.”

My advice for get­ting a job in Oulu is, you may lay­out a few options which you’re hap­py with and are impor­tant for your career. My first option was to offer an intern­ship to a poten­tial com­pa­ny right after my lan­guage course. It was impor­tant to immerse myself in a real envi­ron­ment as quick­ly as pos­si­ble.

The sec­ond option was to con­tin­ue to study Finnish in a lan­guage school. It was also equal­ly impor­tant to equip myself so that I’m able to present my ideas in Finnish.

Even­tu­al­ly, I took the first option and it went well as I hoped.

Oulu is a place to dream. Yet it’s a small city but the more impor­tant is people’s mind­sets and men­tal­i­ty. Oulu peo­ple are very open-mind­ed and cre­ative. This gives many oppor­tu­ni­ties for for­eign­ers as well. I’m very excit­ed to see and explore how my dreams are to be real­ized here in Oulu.”

This arti­cle was orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished at

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