Guid­ance for future Oulu res­i­dents

Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu offers free online guid­ance for future res­i­dents of Oulu, which will help you get ready for the big move! Whether you are mov­ing from abroad or some­where in Fin­land, we’ve got you cov­ered.

You can book an online con­sul­ta­tion and receive per­son­al­ized guid­ance about mov­ing to and set­tling in Oulu. Togeth­er, we can go through the steps you should take before, dur­ing, and short­ly after your move to Oulu. You can learn more about the city and liv­ing and work­ing in Oulu. You can also get links to web­pages with help­ful infor­ma­tion.

Online relo­ca­tion guid­ance is for inter­na­tion­al peo­ple mov­ing to Oulu for work, stud­ies, or fam­i­ly ties. One con­sul­ta­tion lasts 30 min­utes. If nec­es­sary, we can book a fol­low-up meet­ing or con­tin­ue the con­ver­sa­tion via email.

Online guid­ance

*The ser­vice is not avail­able right now.* If you need more per­son­al­ized guid­ance, please book an appoint­ment with us from the link below.

If you have any ques­tions, can­not book an appoint­ment, or can­not find a suit­able times­lot, please email us at

Tips for Relo­cat­ing
to Oulu

Check out our guides at Issuu. “Tips for Relo­cat­ing to Oulu” pro­vides gen­er­al infor­ma­tion about relo­cat­ing to Oulu. “Wel­come to Oulu” guide for new­com­ers pro­vides infor­ma­tion about ser­vices and life in Oulu, as well as use­ful hints on dai­ly life.

Mov­ing as an entre­pre­neur

If you plan to move to Oulu as an entre­pre­neur and need guid­ance, you may con­tact our busi­ness advi­sor for the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty She­fat Islam.

Our busi­ness advi­sor can help you with ques­tions about entre­pre­neur­ship in Fin­land and bring­ing your busi­ness here. To con­tact She­fat, please send an email to

If you already live in Oulu and need help or advice, please vis­it us at Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma, Uusikatu 52, 90100 Oulu. Click here for more infor­ma­tion about Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu.

She­fat Islam
+358 40 674 9457

Start prepar­ing for your move here

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