International House Oulu opens its doors

International House Oulu is a new, comprehensive service concept. It brings together guidance and counselling services for international customers on a single-window basis under one roof, says Coordinator Rikupekka Leinonen.
A meeting place that is open for all. That is the essence of International House Oulu (IH Oulu) which is located at BusinessAsema, Hallituskatu 36 B. International House Oulu provides free guidance and counselling particularly when it comes to finding employment, establishing a business, starting studies, and promoting social integration for the whole family in general.
At International House Oulu, there is always someone there to answer customers’ questions. The goal is to make everyone feel welcome. International customers will be given all the information that they need, concerning early-stage services, basic city services, and leisure activities, for example.
– The International House is the perfect manifestation of multi-disciplinary collaboration. Gathering services under one roof makes them easier to access, creating communality and boosting our expertise in international affairs. What is more, the location is excellent, and other services offered at BusinessAsema add significant value to the operations, says Seppo Määttä, Mayor of Oulu.
– Oulu is becoming an ever more international city, and for example labour migration is an absolute necessity for our future. International House Oulu helps newcomers feel at home in our city and find their place in the competent, creative, and secure Oulu, Määttä explains.
Business coaching and networking
When it comes to business services, IH Oulu provides companies with recruitment assistance and organises a variety of functions, such as coaching and recruiting events. In the case of international customers, they will not only be offered counselling but also activities such as information events and networking nights.
– We are surrounded by a magnificent group of experts and a variety of services which are all at our disposal. At IH Oulu, we will be able to develop ever better and even completely new services for our international customers. Companies benefit from many forms of support for international recruiting. I hope that they will not hesitate to contact us with these issues, says Coordinator Rikupekka Leinonen from International House Oulu.
– IH Oulu has an important role in making Oulu a more appealing city for people to move here. The grand opening on 25 April is only the first step. We are very excited about the future, Leinonen says happily.
The opening of International House Oulu takes place on the 25th of April. The opening celebration begins at 2 p.m. with a speech by Mayor Seppo Määttä. The programme is free of charge and lasts about an hour, including speeches in Finnish and English as well as musical performances.
Coffee and cakes are served from 1.30 p.m. at BusinessAsema’s restaurant, Antell Asema. The doors are open at International House Oulu and BusinessAsema until 6 p.m. During this time, guests will also be able to see and learn more about the other facilities and services of BusinessAsema and FabLab.
The opening week’s programme continues on Wednesday, 26 April, when an open networking event is arranged from 5 till 8 p.m. At this event, the ambassadors of IH Oulu are introduced through interesting stories about their lives.
The audience capacity at these events is limited. For binding registrations, please visit here.

Employer, do you need support with your international recruiting?
International House Oulu offers
- Coaching and information events
- Recruiting events and campaigns
- Recruiting assistance
- Help with finding suitable international talent
- Please contact: Salla Hirvonen,