Cal­ling all inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents!

Oulu Talent Hub along with Oulu Cham­ber of Com­merce as part of their inter­na­tio­nal week acti­vi­ties, are orga­nizing the Inter­na­tio­nal stu­dent day on the 3rd of Novem­ber 2022 during 1–4 pm.

This is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents and other foreign qua­li­fied job see­king can­di­da­tes to get to know the com­pa­ny, their bene­fits and career oppor­tu­ni­ties.

We have Five great com­pa­nies in Oulu that are loo­king to att­ract inter­na­tio­nal talents in various fields this year:

  1. Nokia LTD – invi­ting ICT, industrial engi­nee­ring and mana­ge­ment, mechanics/ che­mi­stry, busi­ness and com­mu­nica­tions stu­dents (9). Bus trans­por­ta­tion from Cam­pus offe­red.
  2. iLOQ LTD – invi­ting 20 ICT stu­dents
  3. Fin­ger­soft LTD – invi­ting 20 stu­dents from various fields of stu­dies
  4. Flex LTD – invi­ting 15 elect­rical, mec­ha­nical and industrial engi­nee­ring inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents. Bus trans­por­ta­tion from Cam­pus offe­red.
  5. Ostro­both­nia Value Invest­ment Coo­pe­ra­ti­ve – invi­ting 6 finance stu­dents

To know more about a com­pa­ny you are inte­res­ted in visi­ting and to regis­ter, plea­se see details below:


Oulu is the ‘Home of Radio’ and is a key R&D site for Nokia, as well as a city whe­re Nokia con­ti­nues to rec­ruit new talent.
During the visit, you will hear more about the com­pa­ny pro­ducts and get an over­view of the day to day wor­king life at Nokia.


Com­pa­ny int­ro­duc­tion and welco­me speech
Int­ro­duc­tion to various tasks at Nokia


iLOQ makes life easier by pro­vi­ding smart and secu­re access to the buil­dings and spaces we use dai­ly.
The company’s self-powe­red digi­tal loc­king and NFC-enabled mobi­le access mana­ge­ment solu­tions have revo­lu­tio­nized the loc­king industry by offe­ring elect­ro­nic loc­king wit­hout bat­te­ries or cables.
During the visit, you will hear more about the com­pa­ny pro­ducts and work oppor­tu­ni­ties.


1–1.15 arri­val
1.15–1.45 Com­pa­ny Int­ro­duc­tion (Erja San­ka­ri, COO)
1.45–2.00 Types of com­pe­tencies nee­ded at iLOQ (Timo Aina­li, CTO)
2.00–2.30 Types of skills nee­ded in the wor­king life of the futu­re (Anu­lii­sa Kos­ki­nen, HR Mana­ger)
2.30–3.30 Tour and cof­fee


Fin­ger­soft is one of the nort­hern­most gaming stu­dios in the world, chil­ling out just 170km south of the Arc­tic Circle in Oulu, Fin­land. The com­pa­ny is best known for their Mobi­le smash hits — Hill Climb Racing and Hill Climb Racing 2, which have a com­bi­ned total of over 2 bil­lion ins­talls. During the visit, you will hear more about the company’s pro­ducts, work oppor­tu­ni­ties and get a tour around the pre­mi­ses with Daniel Fischer, Pro­ducer of Boom Karts.


FLEX pur­po­se is to make qua­li­ty pro­ducts for our cus­to­mers that crea­te value and impro­ve people’s lives. We help a diver­se cus­to­mer base design and build pro­ducts through the col­lec­ti­ve strength of a glo­bal work­force across 30 count­ries that helps to make the world a bet­ter place.

FLEX Fin­land in Oulu is one of the FLEX design cen­ters (for­mer ESJU oy) pro­vi­ding holis­tic Telecom­mu­nica­tion Radio design and pro­duct deve­lop­ment ser­vices tai­lo­red to cus­to­mers’ requi­re­ments. Fin­land Design Cen­ter has 80 design engi­neers and 25 years’ expe­rience in radio design.

Flex Oulu Design Cen­ter designs and deve­lops tra­di­tio­nal and mas­si­ve MIMO radio units for 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G telecom­mu­nica­tions and ORAN Networks.

Flex Oulu Design Cen­ter has world class tools and sop­his­tica­ted test auto­ma­tion, In-house vali­da­tion labs, EMC cham­ber and OTA/CATR cham­ber that are used for radio pro­duct deve­lop­ment, but can also be used as exter­nal ser­vices.

During the visit, you will hear more about the company’s pro­ducts and work oppor­tu­ni­ties.


Int­ro­duc­tion of Flex Oulu by Gene­ral Mana­ger
a. Co-ope­ra­tion with uni­ver­si­ty and other ins­ti­tu­tions
Open discus­sion and sha­ring
b. Some employee’s own expe­rience sha­ring
c. Com­pe­tencies in Flex Fin­land design cen­ter today and in futu­re, areas of stu­dy
d. Valuable skills in telecom­mu­nica­tions busi­ness
e. Tour of labo­ra­to­ry and wrap up

Ostro­both­nia Value Invest­ment Coo­pe­ra­ti­ve

Ostro­both­nia Value Invest­ment Coo­pe­ra­ti­ve (Arvo Sijoi­tuso­suus­kun­ta) is an invest­ment com­pa­ny with more than 24,000 owners, which makes direct 1–5 mil­lion mino­ri­ty invest­ments in Fin­nish com­pa­nies.

We have inves­ted in about twen­ty com­pa­nies and also acti­ve­ly par­tici­pa­te in their board work.

Our com­pa­ny is a coo­pe­ra­ti­ve that is over a hundred years old. The coo­pe­ra­ti­ve form brings its own special fea­tu­res, i.e. the owners are equal and the­re is no clear owners­hip struc­tu­re.

The­re­fo­re, the mana­ge­ment cho­sen by the owners is of great impor­tance in our ope­ra­tions.

Hosts: CEO Jari Piri­nen and Invest­ment mana­ger San­na Viher­maa


Plea­se note that the regi­stra­tions are bin­ding.

The event is orga­nized by Oulu Talent Hub as a part of Cham­ber of Commerce’s inter­na­tio­nal week acti­vi­ties.