Look­ing to expand your net­work?

+ Meet the Oulu Tal­ent Hub ambas­sadors!

As we draw clos­er to the end of yet anoth­er event­ful year, Oulu Tal­ent Hub is orga­niz­ing the last net­work­ing event of 2022 on the 1st of Decem­ber at Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma  (Hal­li­tuskatu 36, Oulu) from 17.00–19.00.

Grow your net­work! Meet and min­gle with our tal­ent­ed ambas­sadors and oth­ers.

Hear Niy­ati’s, Chiara’s, Sharmin’s and Moustafa’s sto­ries and oppor­tu­ni­ties over some quick snacks and cof­fee.

Inter­na­tion­al and Finnish net­works are invit­ed to attend. We wel­come entre­pre­neurs, pro­fes­sion­als, artists, researchers, stu­dents, job-seek­ers, and any­one else liv­ing or pass­ing by Oulu.

Come join us and make new con­nec­tions while hav­ing a good time.

Reg­is­ter today here: lyyti.fi/reg/Networking_

Oulu Tal­ent Hub