More mem­o­rable Oulu in sight

Oulu is now pre­dict­ed to have an excep­tion­al­ly bright future. Dis­cov­er what your tomor­row in Oulu could look like!

Visions for the future

By 2030, diverse and sig­nif­i­cant spear­head projects will trans­form Oulu into a more mem­o­rable and hap­pi­er city for all of us.

This is not a city vision, this is a city fact. Join us!

A mod­ern mul­ti-pur­pose are­na is being built near the Oulu sta­tion, offer­ing excel­lent facil­i­ties for sports events, con­certs, fairs, and con­fer­ences, among oth­ers. Togeth­er with the new Sta­tion Cen­tre they will form a vibrant hub of experiences, ser­vices, jobs, and hous­ing, expand­ing the city cen­tre all the way to Rak­si­la. The Expe­ri­ence Are­na will be com­plet­ed in 2029.

Read more about the Expe­ri­ence Are­na

In Oulu’s com­plete­ly revi­tal­ized Sta­tion Cen­tre, a wide range of ser­vices will pam­per both res­i­dents and vis­i­tors. The Sta­tion Cen­tre, locat­ed next to the upcom­ing Expe­ri­ence Are­na, will seam­less­ly fit the dai­ly lives of com­muters using var­i­ous modes of trans­port, as well as those liv­ing and work­ing in the city cen­tre. In addi­tion to the sta­tion’s ser­vices, a vibrant hub of every­day life, experiences, work­places, and hous­ing will emerge in the near­by area.

Read more about the Sta­tion Cen­tre

The new Muse­um and Sci­ence Cen­tre is one of the cor­ner­stones of Oulu’s cul­tur­al cli­mate change. The revamped Sci­ence Cen­tre Tietomaa and the North­ern Ostro­both­nia Muse­um will be locat­ed in the new build­ing. The Muse­um and Sci­ence Cen­tre will blend the past and the future togeth­er and have an atmos­phere rem­i­nis­cent of an Eng­lish cam­pus. Con­struc­tion will be com­plet­ed in 2026, per­fect­ly timed as Oulu cel­e­brates its year as the Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture.

Read more about the Muse­um and Sci­ence Cen­tre

Fin­land’s sec­ond busiest swim­ming pool is being rebuilt as one of the largest water exer­cise cen­tres in the coun­try. The more ver­sa­tile, larg­er, and more expe­ri­en­tial water exer­cise cen­tre will be a sig­nif­i­cant part of the exten­sive sports area in Rak­si­la, locat­ed less than a kilo­me­ter from the Expe­ri­ence Are­na and the Sta­tion Cen­tre. The new water exer­cise cen­tre will be com­plet­ed in 2029.

Read more about the Oulu Water Exer­cise Cen­tre

A lot of new things are hap­pen­ing in the Mar­ket Square area. The main library is cur­rent­ly being ren­o­vat­ed into Cen­tral Library, which will fea­ture a new chil­dren’s cul­tur­al cen­tre. Locat­ed behind the library, right by the sea, Ter­wa Tow­er will not only increase accom­mo­da­tion capac­i­ty but also bring a miss­ing ele­ment to Oulu – a sky bar! In addi­tion, the Mar­ket Square Hotel will be com­plet­ed soon, and the planned devel­op­ments for Kiike­li island are also pro­gress­ing.

Read more about the Mar­ket Square

To the sad­dle, ski tracks, putting greens, and waters… Vir­pinie­mi, one of Fin­land’s most renowned year-round cen­tres for sports and well-being, will devel­op into an even more ver­sa­tile area for out­door activ­i­ties, sports, and recre­ation in the com­ing years! The ski tracks have already been ren­o­vat­ed to FIS stan­dards, the unique and high-qual­i­ty golf cen­tre is expand­ing, and there are plans for new devel­op­ments in the for­mer sports acad­e­my facil­i­ties.

Read more about Vir­pinie­mi

Oulu dares – after all, courage is one of the city’s val­ues. Oulu will host the Hous­ing Fair dur­ing the amaz­ing event sum­mer of 2025, coin­cid­ing with the Kuninku­us­rav­it trot­ting race also orga­nized in Oulu. The Hous­ing Fair will be built on sched­ule at Har­taanselän­ran­ta, just a kilo­me­ter away from the stun­ning beach­es of Nal­likari. The event is expect­ed to attract up to 100,000 vis­i­tors close to the city cen­tre.

Read more about the Hous­ing Fair

The gem of Oulu’s tourism, Nal­likari, is prepar­ing to warm­ly wel­come the guests of the Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture year. The new apart­ment hotel Aal­to opened its doors in March 2024 and also serves day vis­i­tors with its pub­lic restrooms and show­er facil­i­ties. Invest­ments worth tens of mil­lions of euros are planned, includ­ing a theme park and event cen­tre. Addi­tion­al­ly, the beach route lead­ing to the area is being ren­o­vat­ed, with event squares, play­grounds, and relax­ation areas being built along the way.

Read more about Nal­likari

Pik­isaari, the Cre­ative Vil­lage, Oulu’s own Tel­liskivi. In the com­ing years, new facil­i­ties will be built in this unique island envi­ron­ment, includ­ing a guest­house-style hotel and var­i­ous struc­tures that enable orga­niz­ing dif­fer­ent kinds of events. The con­struc­tion invest­ments will fur­ther enhance the vibrant mix of events, ser­vices, and cul­tur­al activ­i­ties already start­ed by grass­roots orga­ni­za­tions!

Read more about Pik­isaari

The impres­sive Oulu Riv­er delta stretch­es from Top­pi­la to Tuira and upstream along the Oulu Riv­er as far as the imag­i­na­tion can reach. Top­pi­lansal­mi has been a key devel­op­ment area for the city for years. Part of the area’s fur­ther devel­op­ment includes a unique silo build­ing designed by Alvar Aal­to, where a hub com­bin­ing art and ser­vices that bridge the worlds of dig­i­tal­iza­tion and hands-on experiences will be built. The charm­ing Kesän sauna in Tuira, which has delight­ed vis­i­tors for years, will soon be joined by a pub­lic sauna that will be open year-round.

Read more about the Oulu­jo­ki Riv­er Delta

The Spear­head Project page is about Oulu’s future. That’s why the page fea­tures images cre­at­ed with arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.