Oulu­jo­ki Riv­er Delta

Evolv­ing coastal Oulu

Oulu­jo­ki Riv­er Delta

The shin­ing gems of the delta area

The Oulu­jo­ki Riv­er Delta is an icon­ic and unique part of Oulu. The delta area stretch­es from Top­pi­la to Tuira. Here, many places and ser­vices by the water are under­go­ing rapid devel­op­ments in the com­ing years. The Hous­ing Fair will be locat­ed at Har­taanselän­ran­ta, near Hietasaari and Nal­likari, in the sum­mer of 2025, and con­struc­tion of the area’s excit­ing projects is pro­gress­ing quick­ly. The cur­rent ser­vice build­ing at Tuira beach will be replaced by a year-round pub­lic sauna, with excel­lent facil­i­ties also for win­ter swim­mers. For kayak­ers, boaters, and every­one who hears the call of the waves, the delta area’s deter­mined devel­op­ment offers even more oppor­tu­ni­ties for enjoy­ment!

Sauna cul­ture and Europe’s best steams

The beloved Kesän sauna in Tuira will soon have com­pan­ion in the form of a pub­lic sauna that will be open year-round. This com­mu­ni­ty-dri­ven project, born from the ideas and wish­es of the city’s res­i­dents, is sure to bring a smile to the faces of all sauna enthu­si­asts – espe­cial­ly since there hasn’t been a pub­lic sauna in Oulu for 35 years, aside from sauna boats! The sauna will form a beau­ti­ful visu­al whole with the park and the riv­er. The archi­tec­ture will blend moder­ni­ty and tra­di­tion togeth­er in an inspir­ing way. The Oulu Beach Sauna Asso­ci­a­tion is respon­si­ble for the sauna project. They have been active in the area for years now and at the same time have cre­at­ed a pas­sion­ate com­mu­ni­ty that includes many vol­un­teers.

Unique liv­ing and experiences

Top­pi­lansal­mi has been one of the city’s devel­op­ment pri­or­i­ties for years, and in the future a big part of the area’s devel­op­ment revolves around the unique silo build­ing designed by Alvar Aal­to. This build­ing will become a hub com­bin­ing art and ser­vices that bridge the worlds of dig­i­tal­iza­tion and hands-on experiences.

The 2025 Hous­ing Fair is held in Oulu, and it will show­case the north­ern inter­pre­ta­tion of mod­ern vil­la life nes­tled along the Oulu­jo­ki riv­er delta. The fair area’s loca­tion in the delta is unique: both the city cen­tre’s ser­vices and the sea with its sandy beach­es are near­by. The stun­ning views of the shore­line, the beau­ti­ful new water­front boule­vard, and the unique pedes­tri­an bridge con­nect­ing Har­taanselkä’s shores will com­plete the pic­turesque set­ting.

Do you want to be part of the devel­op­ment of Oulu­jo­ki Riv­er Delta?
Con­tact us!

Paula Paa­ja­nen
 Mas­ter Plan­ning Man­ag­er
+358 44 703 1233

Explore the oth­er coastal devel­op­ment projects of Oulu

Read more about the Hous­ing Fair

Read more about Nal­likari

Read more about Pik­isaari

Read more about Vir­pinie­mi

The Oulu­jo­ki Riv­er Delta page is about Oulu’s future. That’s why the page fea­tures images cre­at­ed with arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.