
Evolv­ing coastal Oulu


Pik­isaari. A Cre­ative Vil­lage. Oulu’s Own Tel­liskivi.

Locat­ed right next to the city cen­tre, Pik­isaari cap­ti­vates with its idyl­lic archi­tec­ture, breath­tak­ing nature, and vibrant arts and cul­ture offer­ings. The his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant area will con­tin­ue to pre­serve its charm, with its appeal only grow­ing in the com­ing years as devel­op­ment pro­gress­es. The area sur­round­ing Van­ha Vil­late­hdas, the old wool fac­to­ry, is becom­ing an even more unique cul­tur­al oasis, and new facil­i­ties will be built in this unique island envi­ron­ment, includ­ing a guest­house-style hotel and var­i­ous struc­tures that enable orga­niz­ing dif­fer­ent kinds of events.

These con­struc­tion invest­ments will fur­ther enhance the vibrant mix of events, ser­vices, and cul­tur­al activ­i­ties already start­ed by grass­roots orga­ni­za­tions! While Pik­isaari is one of the city’s spear­head devel­op­ment projects in the upcom­ing years, it is already well worth a vis­it – new restau­rants, art com­mu­ni­ties, and events are pop­ping up there at a rapid pace!


Along the Baana cycle lane to cul­tur­al and nature experiences

In addi­tion to its rich cul­tur­al offer­ings, Pik­isaari is also known for its cap­ti­vat­ing nature. Half of the island is unbuilt nature, pro­vid­ing plen­ty of space for relax­ation and scenic views. Oulu’s most beau­ti­ful jog­ging paths wind along the idyl­lic island shores. Besides the trails, fit­ness can also be enjoyed on the ten­nis courts.

Soon, you’ll be able to cycle to Pik­isaari along some of the world’s best bike paths, as the city’s acclaimed Baana cycle lane net­work expands there as well.

Do you want to be part of the devel­op­ment of Pik­isaari?
Con­tact us!

Sami Ylisaari
Direc­tor of Arts and Cul­ture
+358 40 668 3578

Explore the oth­er coastal devel­op­ment projects of Oulu

Read more about Vir­pinie­mi

Read more about the Hous­ing Fair

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The Pik­isaari page is about Oulu’s future. That’s why the page fea­tures images cre­at­ed with arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.