Sta­tion Cen­tre

Evolv­ing urban Oulu

Sta­tion Cen­tre

Mod­ern and com­fort­able trans­porta­tion hub

In Oulu’s com­plete­ly rede­vel­oped Sta­tion Cen­tre, diverse ser­vices cater to both trav­el­ers and locals. In the future, the Sta­tion Cen­tre will be a mod­ern hub for long-dis­tance trav­el and a meet­ing point for pub­lic trans­porta­tion routes, seam­less­ly con­nect­ing the Rak­si­la and city cen­tre areas. Its ser­vices fit nat­u­ral­ly into the dai­ly lives of those trav­el­ing by var­i­ous modes of trans­port, as well as those work­ing or liv­ing in the city cen­tre. Dis­tinc­tive archi­tec­ture and a pleas­ant envi­ron­ment with abun­dant ser­vices make the Sta­tion Cen­tre an impres­sive whole.

Neigh­bor to the Expe­ri­ence Are­na

The Sta­tion Cen­tre and the Expe­ri­ence Are­na, being built in its imme­di­ate prox­im­i­ty, will form a vibrant hub of experiences, ser­vices, jobs, and hous­ing, extend­ing the city cen­tre all the way to Rak­si­la. The Sta­tion Centre’s loca­tion next to the future Expe­ri­ence Are­na is ide­al, as trans­porta­tion con­nec­tions from all direc­tions will bring trav­el­ers direct­ly to the heart of the events.

Read more about the Sta­tion Cen­tre.

Do you want to be part of the devel­op­ment of Oulu’s Sta­tion Cen­tre?
Con­tact us!

Kari Nykä­nen
City Plan­ning Man­ag­er
+358 40 663 7760

Read more about the Expe­ri­ence Are­na

Read more about the Muse­um and Sci­ence Cen­tre

Read more about the Oulu Water Exer­cise Cen­tre

Read more about the Mar­ket Square

The Sta­tion Cen­tre page is about Oulu’s future. That’s why the page fea­tures images cre­at­ed with arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.