Ecosystems and clusters

A networked company gains synergy benefits, exposure, and operative boost from joint ventures.
Partners always make innovation easier, and going international becomes more feasible together than working by yourself. A functional network also attracts new companies to join. You are welcome to develop your business with us!
Find out more about the networks and ecosystems

Forerunners in digitalisation and ICT
Oulu has more than 50 years of experience in developing wireless technologies, making the region’s pioneership in the field indisputable. Mobile technologies developed in Oulu are being used by almost 3 billion people around the world daily. The much talked about 5G technology has largely been developed in Oulu, and visionaries at the University of Oulu are already hard at work creating 6G, the next generation of wireless communications.
In recent years, the technology ecosystem in Oulu has become a hub of dozens of global product development units. Combining excellence in different fields with wireless expertise results in smart ICT solutions with which to produce highly developed, personalised, and connectable services for various industries, such as health care.
Pioneers of health technology
The Oulu region is the second biggest hub of health technology in Finland. Local companies of the health and well-being industry, research institutions, and the public sector collaborate in a network called OuluHealth. Its goal is to create new business opportunities, to speed up the growth of companies, and naturally to offer ever better solutions to develop health care and well-being services on a global scale.
Our special competitive edge lies in the seamless confluence of health technology, biosciences, medicine, and engineering. The OuluHealth ecosystem operates in the international frontline of digital health care by promoting health and well-being services by means of information engineering. As an exemplary result, the world’s smartest hospital will be completed in Oulu in 2030.

Makers of future automotive industry
Oulu Automotive Cluster is one of the most rapidly growing business clusters in Finland. It is an open ecosystem for companies and research institutions which collaborate to develop automotive electrification, autonomous transport, and new business models for mobility. The cluster assists SMEs in reaching customers and partners within the automotive industry.
Innovation activities and growth companies are fuelled by ICT expertise, high-class education, and a unique model of co-creation. Oulu has paved the way for global development of 5G network technology and is currently a forerunner in 6G research. Oulu is also the home of printed electronics which revolutionises the way in which vehicles are designed, developed, and manufactured.
The most educable city in circular economy
The City of Oulu has committed to promoting circular economy together with its stakeholders. A roadmap for circular economy has been created to facilitate this work. Circular economy solutions call for a new mindset and new kinds of value chains. They call for learning that requires research, development, experimentation, successes, and sometimes also failures. We wish to be the most educable city in circular economy while also promoting the development of our stakeholders.
A circular economy cluster has been established to boost this cooperation. The cluster is an open ecosystem for companies, helping them to attain new partners and customers, sharing information and expertise, and organising trials and events to advance circular economy innovations and business. The cluster also functions as an interface to the public sector and international clusters, thus increasing the exposure of companies.

Join the Green Wave of the North
Oulu is at the cutting edge of sustainable development, with clean deep tech growth companies, four attractive green transition industrial zones, cutting-edge research in battery technology, hydrogen, bioeconomy, circular economy and materials engineering at the university, and test beds developed for piloting. Oulu Region is among the top locations to increase green electricity production in the EU and 39% of wind energy in Finland is produced here.
CleantechOulu is a part of BusinessOulu and as a public utility of Oulu, CleantechOulu provides its services equally for Oulu-based companies willing to grow their business in the North. We operate as an open ecosystem of companies by promoting cooperation between companies and connections between companies in the public sector and research and development organizations.
MetaCity is a leap into a next-generation smart city concept which speeds up the development of digital and virtual services and administration in the post-pandemic world.