Building Bonds: The Rise of Game Nights at International House Oulu

International House Oulu has been building its presence almost for a year now. One cornerstone of IH Oulu’s activities has been offering a platform for various events.
The Game Night Event, which has attracted the international crowd in Oulu, has been organized monthly for a while now. It has truly gained its spot as a place to meet new people, build your networks and have some fun while playing the most popular board games. This time it was organized on Wednesday, 13th of March.
– The concept of Board Game Night was composed by our team at International House Oulu. We wanted to create an event that combines enjoyable fun, networking, and information about some important topics, the coordinator Rikupekka Leinonen from International House Oulu was telling while looking back to last autumn, when the first gaming event took place.
Usually, this event brings together around 40 people. It is free of charge for everyone who is interested in board games and willing to make new friends and networks. Registration to participate is needed due to coffee and snacks being provided.
– We hope the board game nights will always reach more and more new individuals, making it possible to meet new people every time. Thinking ahead to the upcoming game nights, Rikupekka highlights about the chance to meet an expert in your field, which can be beneficial in the future when looking for work.

The Game Nights connect the fun, knowledge and support
The Game Nights are organized in cooperation with a non-profit association, Bloom ry. Their focus is to operate as a bridge between international residents and locals. Since the beginning of this year, the events have started with having small snacks and a short info.
– Besides playing games and networking, participants have the opportunity to learn something that can advance their growth further, describes Ladislav Sedlák, Blooms’ Head of Operations in Oulu.
– For example, once we had an introduction to the city’s immigrant council and at the latest event, we gave the floor to Vuolle Ystävyyskeskus to introduce and talk about their services offered to international people living in Oulu, Rikupekka is adding.
Ladislav also gives another point of view about the Board Game Nights. He feels that the greatest value at these events is providing a safe environment and friendship among people who understands the complex periods of time an immigrant must go through when integrating into a new home.
– It is complicated to achieve integration without some help or advice from locals or other immigrants. International House Oulu does an invaluable service in these matters.
– Close your eyes and try to imagine that all these internationals have left everything they knew and loved, lost the social status they had been building, and moved to an unknown country. Some, without family and friends. Alone, chasing their dream. From my point of view, it is some kind of bravery, Ladislav shares his thoughts.
And while these internationals are building paths towards their dreams, International House Oulu is offering support along the way.