Dis­cov­er Liikun­tavä­linelainaamo: Your Gate­way to Active Liv­ing

Wel­come to Liikun­tavä­linelainaamo, the pre­mier sports equip­ment lend­ing ser­vice in Oulu, locat­ed at the heart of the Limin­gan­tul­li recy­cling cen­ter, Likke.

Whether you’re a sea­soned ath­lete or just look­ing to try out a new sport, we have every­thing you need to get start­ed!

What We Offer: At Liikun­tavä­linelainaamo, we pro­vide a wide range of sports equip­ment for both sum­mer and win­ter activ­i­ties.

Our col­lec­tion includes

Sum­mer & Indoor Sports:

Win­ter Sports:

How It Works:

Impor­tant Notes:

Oper­at­ing Hours:

Con­tact Us:

Why Choose Liikun­tavä­linelainaamo?

Free Access: Enjoy a wide range of sports equip­ment with­out any cost.
Com­mu­ni­ty Sup­port: All equip­ment is gen­er­ous­ly donat­ed by local cit­i­zens, sports teams, and busi­ness­es.
Sus­tain­abil­i­ty: Pro­mot­ing reuse and sus­tain­abil­i­ty through the recy­cling cen­ter.

Embrace an active lifestyle and explore new sports with Liikun­tavä­linelainaamo. Vis­it us today and start your adven­ture!