Con­nect and Play: Net­work­ing and Board Games Night

Networking and Board Games Night

Wel­come to a relaxed net­work­ing and board games event at Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu! Con­nect, min­gle, and engage your­self in an enjoy­able evening of net­work­ing and board game excite­ment.

We invite you to the Net­work­ing and Board Games Event host­ed by Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu, tak­ing place on Mon­day, March 17th. The event will be held at Tech­nop­o­lis Ydinkeskus­ta, locat­ed in Oulu city cen­ter.

Pre­pare for a fun evening as you engage in mean­ing­ful con­ver­sa­tions over deli­cious snacks and cof­fee. If you are up for a play­ful chal­lenge, you are also wel­come to take part in the board games. We offer a vari­ety of games to suit diverse pref­er­ences. You can also bring your favorite game along, offer­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share and teach oth­ers.

Our spe­cial guest for the evening is Priyan­ka Sood, Coor­di­na­tor of migra­tion work, who will short­ly talk about the City of Oulu’s anti-racism pro­gram.

Atten­dance is free of charge, and a warm wel­come to all. To ensure we have enough refresh­ments, please reg­is­ter in advance.

Don’t miss this oppor­tu­ni­ty! See you at the board game and net­work­ing evening.