Mid­sum­mer Pho­to Con­test – Show Us Your Cel­e­bra­tion and Win a IH Oulu T‑shirt

Nainen makaa riippumatossa

Cel­e­brate Mid­sum­mer with Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu. Join our pho­to con­test and stand a chance to win an exclu­sive IH Oulu T‑shirt.

How to Par­tic­i­pate:

We will draw the lucky win­ner on June 25th and con­tact the win­ner direct­ly. Plus, we will fea­ture select­ed entries on our web­site and social media in a spe­cial arti­cle.

Don’t miss out – your per­fect mid­sum­mer moment could snag you that rare IH Oulu t‑shirt.

Remem­ber to col­lect your prize from Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma by the end of July if you win. Good luck!