Roll the Dice and Make a Friend – This March at Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu

Hey Game Wiz­ards and Net­work­ing Nin­jas, Guess what’s back this March?

We’re talk­ing about the leg­endary Board Games and Net­work­ing event at Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma, Oulu, hap­pen­ing on the luck­i­est day of the month – the 13th of March, 2024. Orga­nized by the cool peo­ple at Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu and the par­ty peo­ple from Bloom Fin­land, this is the event you’ve been wait­ing for.

And hold onto your game pieces because Vuolle is in the house! That’s right, the one and only Vuolle will be serv­ing up a pre­sen­ta­tion that’s guar­an­teed to be more thrilling than land­ing on Free Park­ing in Oulu.

So, are you ready to strate­gize like a Chess Grand­mas­ter, net­work like a LinkedIn All-Star, and laugh like there’s no work tomor­row? Then, my friends, this is your gold­en tick­et to an evening where rolling a six could mean mak­ing a new con­nec­tion or just hav­ing an epic time.

Ditch the tie, grab your lucky socks, and let’s make this an evening of crit­i­cal hits, high scores, and high fives. Your pres­ence is demand­ed, for an adven­ture in net­work­ing and board gam­ing that you’ll be talk­ing about until the dice roll at next mon­th’s game night.

Laugh­ing yet? Good. Now reg­is­ter before this invite self-destruc­ts!

See you all!