News & Events

Finnish Study Resources for Every Lev­el

Study­ing the Finnish lan­guage is a major part of inte­grat­ing and learn­ing more about the Finnish cul­ture.

Dis­cov­er Liikun­tavä­linelainaamo: Your Gate­way to Active Liv­ing

Wel­come to Liikun­tavä­linelainaamo, the pre­mier sports equip­ment lend­ing ser­vice in Oulu, locat­ed at the heart of the Limin­gan­tul­li recy­cling cen­ter, Likke.

Tak­ing the Leap: Ladislav’s Jour­ney to a Bet­ter Life

What hap­pens, when you take a leap into the unknown, leav­ing your own life behind in search of some­thing new? Meet Ladislav, the cur­rent Head of Oper­a­tions in Bloom Fin­land, who moved in Oulu inspired by Oulu’s peace­ful nature.

Join us for an authen­tic Matcha Morn­ing with IH Oulu Ambas­sadors

Do you want to expe­ri­ence Japan­ese matcha? This is a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to learn how to make matcha and explore the tea cul­ture in Japan!

Cel­e­brat­ing Sum­mer: High­lights of the IH Oulu Ambas­sadors’ Pic­nic Event

Yes­ter­day, we had a fan­tas­tic pic­nic at Nal­likari beach with the Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu and its Ambas­sadors!

Max’s Expe­ri­ence: Set­tling Down and Thriv­ing in Oulu

Max’s jour­ney from a small town near Lon­don to set­tling down in Oulu is noth­ing short of inspir­ing! From unex­pect­ed twists in his career to find­ing a sense of belong­ing in a new coun­try, Max shares his amaz­ing expe­ri­ence.

Morn­ing Cof­fee & Chat with IH Oulu Ambas­sadors

Join us for a delight­ful morn­ing at Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu with our ambas­sadors.

Mid­sum­mer Pho­to Con­test – Show Us Your Cel­e­bra­tion and Win a IH Oulu T‑shirt

Cel­e­brate Mid­sum­mer with Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu. Join our pho­to con­test and stand a chance to win an exclu­sive IH Oulu T‑shirt.

Join the Pic­nic with IH Oulu Ambas­sadors

What bet­ter way to spend a sum­mer day than a pic­nic on the beach? Come to the funnest event in June.

Results of Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu’s Mul­ti­lin­gual Immi­grant Sur­vey

nter­na­tion­al House Oulu want­ed to hear from immi­grants in Oulu about their expe­ri­ences liv­ing in the city to bet­ter under­stand the chal­lenges and key fac­tors of immi­grant inte­gra­tion.

Embrac­ing Change: Far­i­ha’s Jour­ney from Dha­ka to Oulu

Meet Far­i­ha, a master’s stu­dent in Edu­ca­tion and Glob­al­i­sa­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu. From the bustling streets of Dha­ka, Bangladesh, to the serene charm of Oulu, Fin­land, her jour­ney has been noth­ing short of a trans­for­ma­tive one.

Prepar­ing for Life and Work in Oulu – Webi­nar Recap

We recent­ly host­ed an insight­ful webi­nar “Prepar­ing for Life and Work in Fin­land” aimed to pro­vide infor­ma­tion to prospec­tive res­i­dents about life and career oppor­tu­ni­ties in Oulu.

Top-notch employ­ees from the Philip­pines

Julius Idi­an and Jayson Ril­lo moved to Oulu from the Philip­pines. “I love the way they have trust for Fil­ipinos, even if we don’t speak Finnish.”

Join Us for the Leg­endary Board Games and Net­work­ing Night!

Are you ready to lev­el up your social game? Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu, in part­ner­ship with Bloom Fin­land, is hap­py to invite you to our month­ly Board Games and Net­work­ing Night!

Oulu – the City of Work-Life Bal­ance

In this arti­cle, we inter­viewed a Brazil­ian – Beat­riz Rocha – liv­ing in Oulu, Fin­land. We were curi­ous to know what brought her here and ulti­mate­ly made her stay.

Chas­ing Stars: Nav­i­gat­ing the Path to Your Dreams

Dear read­ers, allow me to share my jour­ney – a voy­age fueled by pas­sion and curios­i­ty. My name is Rabia and I am a pro­fes­sion­al cer­ti­fied teacher from Pak­istan.

Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu 1 Year Cel­e­bra­tion

We at Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu (IHO) cel­e­brat­ed our one year anniver­sary with a mem­o­rable event that high­light­ed its achieve­ments and con­tri­bu­tions over the past year.

Roll the Dice and Make a Friend – This May at IH Oulu

Ready for anoth­er round of board games and net­work­ing? Join us on May 15th, 2024, for anoth­er fan­tas­tic board game night!

Read more news about Oulu

Read My Oulu, the Eng­lish pages of the City of Oulu online media (opens in a new tab:

Read the lat­est news from Business­Oulu (opens in a new tab)

Read the lat­est news and press releas­es from the City of Oulu (opens in a new tab)

A person wearing a white shirt and black pants is skateboarding in a skate park decorated with colourful graffiti underneath a blue sky. The person is in the middle of a trick, and the skateboard is rolling around under their feet.

Find plen­ty of events for almost any day!