News & Events

From Gha­na to Fin­land: Luku­ma­nu’s path to Pro­ject Mana­ge­ment

In a world full of oppor­tu­ni­ties, Luku­ma­nu Iddrisu’s remar­kable jour­ney took him from the vibrant streets of Gha­na to the unique city of Vaa­sa, Fin­land.

Cal­ling all Inter­na­tio­nal Talent!

Oulu Cham­ber of Com­merce along with Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu and Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu as part of their inter­na­tio­nal week acti­vi­ties, are orga­nizing the Inter­na­tio­nal talent days in Novem­ber 16–18th.

Oulu’s Hea­vy Metal Sce­ne: Unvei­ling the City’s Musical Power

Explo­ring the Resoun­ding Cul­tu­re of Hea­vy Metal Music and Its Impact on Oulu.

Embracing the Magic of Oulu: A Jour­ney of Inte­gra­tion and Explo­ra­tion

My name is Pava­ni, and I am deligh­ted to sha­re my inc­re­dible jour­ney arri­ving in the enc­han­ting city of Oulu, Fin­land, in August 2022. Hai­ling from the beau­ti­ful island of Sri Lan­ka,

Embracing Cul­tu­ral Exc­han­ge: Paul’s Jour­ney as an Ent­repre­neur in Fin­land

Meet Paul Fairc­hild, an enterpri­sing indi­vi­dual, ori­gi­nal­ly from Lon­don, England who has cal­led Fin­land home for the past 24 years.

Bora’s Jour­ney: Fin­ding a new dream in Fin­land as a social wor­ker

Life has a way of gui­ding us on unex­pec­ted paths, lea­ding to inc­re­dible trans­for­ma­tions. Meet Bora Kim, a kind indi­vi­dual who had a unique jour­ney from South Korea to Oulu, Fin­land.

Welco­me to the Toget­her in Sum­mer Pic­nic!

Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu (IH Oulu) is orga­ni­sing a pic­nic in Aino­la Park on Mon­day 31st of July from 13:00 to 15:00.

Let’s expe­rience this sum­mer toget­her

We have won­der­ful news! Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu brings people toget­her in the sum­mer as well.

”Now is the time to bring Rotu­aa­ri to life!” A brand new fes­ti­val in the cen­ter of Oulu on 15–16 July

This sum­mer, the free Africans Cul­tu­ral Fes­ti­val will be held in Oulu for the first time, ser­ving African tas­tes, music and colors.

Networ­king & Tips for the Sum­mer­ti­me!

What kind of acti­vi­ties can you do in the sum­mer of Oulu? This was preci­se­ly answe­red at the Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu Networ­king Event, which focused on sum­mer acti­vi­ties in Oulu.

The most ins­pi­ring rec­ruit­ment event in the uni­ver­se – Mega­Match­ma­king 14.9.

Meet emplo­yers, start networ­king, learn the best tips and tricks with the job hunt, and find your­self a new posi­tion at the super-inte­res­ting Mega­Match­ma­king rec­ruit­ment event.

JobCor­ner x 4H: Work and stu­dies avai­lable for child coun­sel­lors via pay sub­si­dy

We are loo­king for child tutors for after­noon acti­vi­ties for schoolc­hildren (1–2 gra­des) as a wage sub­si­dy emplo­y­ment. The jobs are loca­ted at Sara­suo School, Oulu Inter­na­tio­nal School, Kaak­ku­ri School and Läm­sän­jär­vi School.

JobCor­ner & Alfred: Seve­ral open posi­tions for res­tau­rant pro­fes­sion emplo­yees

Are you loo­king for a new direc­tion in the res­tau­rant industry? Join us for a free at JobCor­ner rec­ruit­ment event on Thurs­day 29 of June to find out more about the open posi­tions at Alfred Kitc­hen & Bar.

Your expe­rience of moving to Oulu – sur­vey

Moving to a new count­ry is never easy. Here at IH Oulu, we know this and want to help futu­re Oulu resi­dents with their reloca­tion here.

Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu Networ­king event – Sum­mer edi­tion

How can you spend your sum­mer in Oulu? The­re are a lot to enjoy about Oulu in sum­mer when you know whe­re to go!

Eve­ry­one’s Sum­mer Fes­ti­val again takes place in Oulu’s Kuusi­saa­ri on 7.6. – head­li­ned by Por­tion Boys

The eup­ho­ric and free of char­ge event of the sum­mer, known as the Eve­ry­bo­dy’s Sum­mer Fes­ti­val, will again take place in Oulu’s Kuusi­saa­ri on 7 June.

Read more news about Oulu

Read My Oulu, the English pages of the City of Oulu onli­ne media (opens in a new tab:

Read the latest news from Business­Oulu (opens in a new tab)

Read the latest news and press relea­ses from the City of Oulu (opens in a new tab)

A person wearing a white shirt and black pants is skateboarding in a skate park decorated with colourful graffiti underneath a blue sky. The person is in the middle of a trick, and the skateboard is rolling around under their feet.

Find plen­ty of events for almost any day!