News & Events

How Oulu sup­ports my career and sur­rounds me with natu­re

Hi! My name is Arja­ne, I’m from the Net­her­lands, and I moved to Fin­land in 2018. After living in Jyväs­ky­lä for a couple of years, I came to Oulu just over a year ago.

Navi­ga­ting Oulu through its dif­fe­rent sea­sons: adap­ting to a new life in the North

Beat­riz Roc­ha, 25, came here to do her master’s degree in Lear­ning, Educa­tion and Tech­no­lo­gy. Cur­rent­ly, she works as a Mar­ke­ting Trai­nee at Business­Oulu.

Tips for Job Searc­hing Process

Would you like to learn more about Fin­nish work cul­tu­re, the job applica­tion process, and whe­re to find job oppor­tu­ni­ties? Are you won­de­ring what to inclu­de in a job applica­tion?

The big­gest surpri­se is when you don’t know what to expect

“Now that some time has pas­sed since the trip, I unders­tand even bet­ter how great an expe­rience the month in Reu­nion was! It was such a unique expe­rience that you did not even unders­tand it the­re.”

Join the Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu Ambas­sa­dor Team 2024!

Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu ambas­sa­dors Pava­ni, Eduar­do and Jun are loo­king for new team mem­bers. Will you be one of them?

Welco­me to the Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu Pre Christ­mas Par­ty

The enc­han­ting snow has arri­ved, and the holi­day buzz is in full swing! Join us for the Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu’s magical Pre-Christ­mas Par­ty – an eve­ning burs­ting with joy and fun!

ISS is loo­king for emplo­yees for school, dayca­re and mul­ti­pur­po­se faci­li­ties – and English spea­king emplo­yees for clea­ning ser­vices!

Join us at the free JobCor­ner rec­ruit­ment event on Mon­day, 4th Decem­ber and get to know ISS Pal­ve­lut vacancies.

From Sici­ly to Oulu: How four Ita­lian stu­dents disco­ve­red Finland’s beau­ty and cul­tu­re

Four adven­tu­rous Eras­mus+ exc­han­ge stu­dents, Gabrie­le Romanci­ni, Gae­ta­no Carol­lo, Mat­tia Li Pira, and Riccar­do Colucci, bid farewell to the scorc­hing +30°C heat of Paler­mo, Sici­ly, and embar­ked on an exci­ting one-month jour­ney to Oulu

From Film Industry to Oulu: Nai­da’s Adven­tu­re of New Begin­nings

In a world whe­re indi­vi­duals seek to expe­rience new begin­nings, Nai­da Valencia’s sto­ry moti­va­tes the power of step­ping out of one’s com­fort zone and welco­ming the unk­nown. Ori­gi­nal­ly moving from Seatt­le, Was­hing­ton, Nai­da’s jour­ney led her to Oulu, Fin­land, whe­re she found a new sen­se of belon­ging.

Meet Kevin Marples: our intern from the UK

Kevin Marples is ori­gi­nal­ly from the UK and moved to Fin­land in 2022. Kevin has been wor­king as an intern at Inter­na­tio­nal House, Oulu as part of his Inte­gra­tion Trai­ning Cour­se.

Welco­me to an enga­ging Networ­king and Board Games Event at Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu!

Con­nect, get infor­ma­tion, mingle, and enga­ge in an enjo­y­able eve­ning of networ­king and board game exci­te­ment.

Inter­na­tio­nal Talent Days

Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu, Business­Oulu along with Oulu Cham­ber of Com­merce as part of their inter­na­tio­nal week acti­vi­ties, are orga­nizing the Inter­na­tio­nal Talent Days. Visits are at the com­pa­nies pre­mi­ses during 14–16 of Novem­ber.

Networ­king and Board Games Event

Welco­me to an Enga­ging Networ­king and Board Games Event at Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu! Con­nect, mingle, and enga­ge your­self in an enjo­y­able eve­ning of networ­king and board game exci­te­ment.

“Dig Deep Into Your Con­nec­tions”

The Mega­Match­ma­king, a pre­mier rec­ruit­ment fair whe­re rec­rui­ters and job­see­kers have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to inte­ract, was held on the 14th of Sep­tem­ber at Tul­li­sal­li in Oulu.

Foot­ball Thri­ves in Oulu: AC Oulu’s Pas­sion Igni­tes City’s Spor­ting Fer­vor

Foot­ball, wide­ly known as soccer, has firm­ly ent­renc­hed itself wit­hin Fin­land’s spor­ting tape­stry, and Oulu stands as no excep­tion to this phe­no­me­non.

Being an Ita­lian exc­han­ge stu­dent in Oulu

Gior­gia Tono­ni is a 17-year-old exc­han­ge stu­dent hai­ling from Ita­ly. She has embar­ked on a cap­ti­va­ting jour­ney to the land of a thousand lakes and a myriad of sea­sons.

Inter­na­tio­nal Talent Day

Haluai­sit­ko tar­jo­ta kan­sain­vä­li­sel­le osaa­jal­le mah­dol­li­suu­den tutus­tua yri­tyk­se­si toi­min­taan? Läh­te­mäl­lä mukaan annat opis­ke­li­jal­le tai jo val­mis­tu­neel­le tär­ke­ää tie­toa suo­ma­lai­ses­ta työ­elä­mäs­tä.

Meet Nada Abass! A Sto­ry All About Explo­ring Dif­fe­rent Cul­tu­res, Stu­dying, and Con­nec­tions

Nada Abass is ori­gi­nal­ly from Egypt and cur­rent­ly living in Fin­land. She is pur­suing her mas­ter’s degree in Digi­tal Mar­ke­ting and Cor­po­ra­te Com­mu­nica­tions at Uni­ver­si­ty of Jyväs­ky­lä.

Read more news about Oulu

Read My Oulu, the English pages of the City of Oulu onli­ne media (opens in a new tab:

Read the latest news from Business­Oulu (opens in a new tab)

Read the latest news and press relea­ses from the City of Oulu (opens in a new tab)

A person wearing a white shirt and black pants is skateboarding in a skate park decorated with colourful graffiti underneath a blue sky. The person is in the middle of a trick, and the skateboard is rolling around under their feet.

Find plen­ty of events for almost any day!