Meet Kevin Marples: our intern from the UK

Man smiling and posing

Kevin Marples is orig­i­nal­ly from the UK and moved to Fin­land in 2022. Kevin has been work­ing as an intern at Inter­na­tion­al House, Oulu as part of his Inte­gra­tion Train­ing Course.

Kevin Marples is a proof­read­er and dig­i­tal con­tent edi­tor by pro­fes­sion and he has been using these skills to help pro­duce Eng­lish lan­guage con­tent for the Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu and Busi­ness Oulu web­sites; he has proof­read new Eng­lish lan­guage con­tent for his col­leagues and has trans­lat­ed exist­ing Finnish lan­guage con­tent into Eng­lish.

This has been a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for Kevin to net­work and to gain work expe­ri­ence in Fin­land in his cho­sen field.

Kevin said, ‘This has been a great expe­ri­ence. I would like to thank all the team at Inter­na­tion­al House for offer­ing me this oppor­tu­ni­ty and for all their sup­port dur­ing my intern­ship.’

’I think I have been able to use my exist­ing pro­fes­sion­al skills to con­tribute to the great work the Inter­na­tion­al House does. In addi­tion, I have learnt new skills and been able to prac­tise my Finnish in a friend­ly and pos­i­tive envi­ron­ment.’