Your expe­ri­ence of mov­ing to Oulu – sur­vey

Mov­ing to a new coun­try is nev­er easy. Here at IH Oulu, we know this and want to help future Oulu res­i­dents with their relo­ca­tion here.

We’re now devel­op­ing online relo­ca­tion guid­ance for peo­ple plan­ning to move to Oulu. To build a bet­ter ser­vice, we are col­lect­ing opin­ions and expe­ri­ences from peo­ple like you, who have moved here from abroad.

Please answer the ques­tions in our sur­vey and share your thoughts. Togeth­er we can make oth­er new­com­ers’ relo­ca­tion to Oulu eas­i­er!

You can find our sur­vey here (in Finnish and Eng­lish).