Roll the Dice and Make a Friend – This May at IH Oulu

Board Game Night

Ready for anoth­er round of board games and net­work­ing? Join us on May 15th, 2024, for anoth­er fan­tas­tic board game night!

Once again, we’ve teamed up Bloom to bring you an evening filled with fun and the chance to meet new peo­ple.

We’re excit­ed to have Roosa Palomä­ki, Ser­vice Man­ag­er of Tourist Ser­vices at Business­Oulu as our spe­cial guest! Roosa will share insights on sum­mer activ­i­ties and offer valu­able tips for fam­i­lies with chil­dren look­ing for some fun activ­i­ties dur­ing the sum­mer in Oulu.

Don’t miss out and reg­is­ter now to secure your spot!