If you are looking for employment or study opportunities, the Työntaitajiksi event is the right match for you

The professional and working-life event for young people is coming soon – even more versatile and entertaining than before.
- When? 30 January 2024, 9.00–15.00
- Where? Oulu Theatre, Kaarlenväylä 2
- The event is open to everyone, no pre-registration required.
At the Työntaitajiksi 2024 event, you can also get information about working life, career planning and career choices. In addition, you can chat with employers and get to know professionals from different fields. There are almost 40 participating companies and organizations. Most of them offer opportunities for non-Finnish native speakers.
Don’t miss the afternoon’s English-speaking session and find out what kind of employees Finland needs in the future.
Hear an interesting panel discussion about Finnish working life and get some hints about the job-hunting process.
In the Talent Library, you can explore different professions. The “loan books” are people representing various professions, with whom visitors can discuss the daily realities of work and the paths through which one can enter a profession.
At the event, there are also interesting and engaging work demonstrations by educational institutions. Through these demonstrations, you can see how professionals work in various occupations and have the opportunity to ask questions about studying for these professions.
See you at the event!
Read more about the event: businessoulu.com/en/events/tyontaitajiksi-2024.html
English speaking session 13.40–14.30
Working life in the Oulu region – facts and tips
What kind of employees Finland needs? Pia Klemetti, Paija Group
Panel discussion
Moderator: Shefat Islam, BusinessOulu
- Johanna Karjula, Oulun Osaamiskeskus — Oulu Skills Centre
- Kateryna Hudozhnyk, Kiertokaari
- Tony Stenberg, HR Business Partner, Nobina
- Anni Saaranen, OSAO