Welcome to the Volunteer Work Opportunities Fair!

The event is for those who want to learn more about volunteering, meet organizations that provide such opportunities, and hear tips and success stories from experienced volunteers.
You will listen to a panel discussion where you will hear first-hand experiences from volunteers and get tips on how to search and apply for volunteer work. There will be several organizations promoting their opportunities on stage, and you will be able to register as a volunteer right away if you want to. There will be snacks, coffee, and tea available at the event. The event is free of charge!
- When? Wednesday April 3, 2024, from 17.00 till 20.00.
- Where? BusinessAsema stage at Hallituskatu 36B.
- To register click here: lyyti.fi/reg/Volunteer_work_fair
17.00 Coffee
17.10 Opening words
17.15 Panel discussion with volunteers
- Nirmalika Pavani – International House Oulu’s Ambassador, Student
- Débora Oliveira – Teacher, Migration Affairs & Education Specialist
17.45 Volunteer Work Offers by the Finnish Red Cross
18.00 Volunteer Work Offers by ODL – Oulun Diakonissalaitos
18.15 Coffee break
18.25 Volunteer Work Offers by TEDxOulu
18.40 Volunteer Work Offers by Startup Refugees
18.55–20.00 Meeting organizations at their stands & networking
Available for networking at stands: Vuolle, Finnish Red Cross, ODL – Oulun Diakonissalaitos, TEDxOulu, StartupRefugees and Bloom Finland.
The organizers reserve the right to changes.
For more information about the event:
Contact International House Oulu at ihoulu@ouka.fi