Wel­come to the Vol­un­teer Work Oppor­tu­ni­ties Fair!

Three women

The event is for those who want to learn more about vol­un­teer­ing, meet orga­ni­za­tions that pro­vide such oppor­tu­ni­ties, and hear tips and suc­cess sto­ries from expe­ri­enced vol­un­teers.

You will lis­ten to a pan­el discus­sion whe­re you will hear first-hand expe­riences from volun­teers and get tips on how to search and apply for volun­teer work. The­re will be seve­ral orga­niza­tions pro­mo­ting their oppor­tu­ni­ties on sta­ge, and you will be able to regis­ter as a volun­teer right away if you want to. The­re will be snacks, cof­fee, and tea avai­lable at the event. The event is free of charge!


17.00 Cof­fee
17.10 Open­ing words
17.15 Pan­el dis­cus­sion with vol­un­teers

17.45 Vol­un­teer Work Offers by the Finnish Red Cross
18.00 Vol­un­teer Work Offers by ODL – Oulun Diakonissalaitos
18.15 Cof­fee break
18.25 Vol­un­teer Work Offers by TEDx­Oulu
18.40 Vol­un­teer Work Offers by Start­up Refugees
18.55–20.00 Meet­ing orga­ni­za­tions at their stands & net­work­ing

Avail­able for net­work­ing at stands: Vuolle, Finnish Red Cross, ODL – Oulun Diakonissalaitos, TEDx­Oulu, Star­tupRefugees and Bloom Fin­land.

The orga­niz­ers reserve the right to changes.

For more infor­ma­tion about the event:

Con­tact Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu at ihoulu@ouka.fi