Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu 1 Year Celebra­tion

We at Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu (IH Oulu) celebra­ted our one year anni­ver­sa­ry with a memo­rable event that high­ligh­ted its achie­ve­ments and cont­ri­bu­tions over the past year.

Riku­pek­ka Lei­no­nen, Coo­ri­di­na­tor of IH Oulu, ope­ned the event by gra­te­ful­ly noting that our events accu­mu­la­ted over 1600 atten­dees and our ser­vice point ser­ved over 6000 cus­to­mers.

Throug­hout the past year, we’ve orga­nized a wide ran­ge of acti­vi­ties, inclu­ding trai­ning ses­sions, board game nights, interns­hip events, job fairs, and Lin­ke­dIn works­hops. The­se diver­se events have pro­vi­ded valuable oppor­tu­ni­ties for networ­king, skill deve­lop­ment, and com­mu­ni­ty enga­ge­ment.

Key­no­te spea­ker Aic­ha Manai, CEO of Star­tup Refu­gees, illu­mi­na­ted the evol­ving cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re in Fin­land and the impor­tance of diver­si­ty and inclusion. She high­ligh­ted the need for orga­niza­tions to adapt to the ongoing demo­grap­hic chan­ges. The event con­ti­nued with an enga­ging exerci­se, promp­ting guests to envi­sion them­sel­ves in their dream careers by 2027 and stra­te­gize the steps nee­ded to achie­ve their goals.

International House Oulu 1 Year Celebration

The event also fea­tu­red an insight­ful panel discus­sion with inter­na­tio­nal wor­kers from Fin­nish orga­niza­tions, offe­ring pers­pec­ti­ves on navi­ga­ting the Fin­nish wor­king cul­tu­re.

The­se discus­sions emp­ha­sized the impor­tance of trans­fer­rable skills, adap­ta­bi­li­ty, and cul­tu­ral diver­si­ty in the workplace. Furt­her­mo­re, sha­ring prac­tical tips for job hun­ting, such as CV enhance­ment, uti­lizing Lin­ke­dIn, networ­king, and per­sis­tence, were sha­red to empower atten­dees in their career pur­suits.

As a cul­mi­na­tion of the event, IH Oulu ambas­sa­dors, Eduar­do Acos­ta, Bev Ade­ro, Fah­mi­da Sar­ker, Pava­ni Nir­ma­li­ka and Jun Naka­mu­ra (main pho­to) announced the win­ner of our social media cam­paign, #Wit­hI­HOu­lu, Poli­na Popo­va. Thanks to eve­ry­one who par­tici­pa­ted in our cam­paign and sha­red their sto­ry about how IHO has impac­ted their life.

As we look ahead, we can­not wait for more inc­re­dible events, ser­ving our valued cus­to­mers, and making a posi­ti­ve impact on people’s lives. We at IHOu­lu thank you all for your con­ti­nued sup­port.

Text: Adrian Cana­les
Pho­tos: Johan­na Suu­ta­ri