Every­one’s Sum­mer Fes­ti­val again takes place in Oulu’s Kuu­sisaari on 7.6. – head­lined by Por­tion Boys

Festival in Oulu

The euphor­ic and free of charge event of the sum­mer, known as the Every­body’s Sum­mer Fes­ti­val, will again take place in Oulu’s Kuu­sisaari on 7 June.

The fam­i­ly friend­ly fes­ti­val is a non-drink­ing event includ­ing a musi­cal pro­gramme and dif­fer­ent vari­eties of per­for­mances, activ­i­ties, and food stalls. The main focus is on equal­i­ty and acces­si­bil­i­ty.

The high­light per­for­mance is the pop and dance band Por­tion Boys, who recent­ly came sec­ond in the final of the New Music Com­pe­ti­tion. In 2021, the band made their final break­through into the public’s favourite with their huge hit “Vauhti kiihtyy” feat. Mat­ti and Tep­po. The band and applied for a place as Fin­land’s Euro­vi­sion entry with their lat­est song “Samaa taivas­ta kat­so­taan”. The songs have been lis­tened to more than 160 mil­lion times in music stream­ing ser­vices.

Every­one’s Sum­mer Fes­ti­val will also fea­ture oth­er per­for­mances, includ­ing Pönkän Pump­pu, a group from Klu­bita­lo Pönkkä (Nuorten Ystävät), per­form­ing an orig­i­nal and cov­er music with the joy­ful Mov­ing Song­writer, focus­ing on chil­dren’s music. The fes­ti­val day will end by The South­gates, an Oulu-based band of four young musi­cians found­ed in 2021, whose sooth­ing gui­tar pop tunes have already been heard at sev­er­al fes­ti­vals and venues.

The play­ers and offi­cials of Oulu Kärpät’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive team, who have been involved in the event since the begin­nings of 2005, will once again bring their wel­come to the event by greet­ing fes­ti­val guests and sign­ing auto­graphs.

– The event has been in prepa­ra­tions since autumn, and we are look­ing for­ward to the sum­mer! We are delight­ed to have new part­ners and the fes­ti­val is get­ting more and more known every year. It will once again be an event with good vibes and we are hop­ing for a bright out­come, says Tar­ja Rönkkö, Cul­tur­al Youth Work Coor­di­na­tor at Oulu Youth Ser­vices.

The main organ­is­ers of the fes­ti­val are the City of Oulu Youth Ser­vices, Oulu Oulun Kehi­tys­vam­mais­ten Tuki ry, Nuorten Ystävät ry, Car­i­tas-Säätiö and Ammat­tiopis­to Luovi. In 2019, the Every­body’s Sum­mer Fes­ti­val was named the most dis­abil­i­ty-friend­ly event of the year.

Event sched­ule:

15.30 Open­ing of the event area
16.10 Pönkän Pump­pu
17.00 Move­ment and singing
18.00 Kär­pät team play­ers’ greet­ing
18.30 Por­tion Boys
19.45 The South­gates
20.30 End­ing of the event

The event web­site can be found at: