Finnish Study Resources for Every Lev­el

Three people studying Finnish in Oulu

Study­ing the Finnish lan­guage is a major part of inte­grat­ing and learn­ing more about the Finnish cul­ture. There are var­i­ous Finnish lan­guage cours­es avail­able for free and for a cost in Oulu and online, and there are many learn­ing mate­ri­als online free to use.

Find the mate­ri­als and resources fit­ting for you to kick­start your learn­ing today!

Free cours­es

Mul­ti­cul­tur­al Cen­tre Vil­la Vic­tor offers free Finnish lan­guage cours­es, rang­ing from ele­men­tary to advanced lev­els, in var­i­ous groups both in-per­son and online. You can select a group that match­es your skill lev­el and sched­ule. Read more here.

Addi­tion­al­ly, you can find some free Finnish lan­guage cours­es at, held both online and in per­son. Not all cours­es on this web­site are free, but there are free-of-cost options.

More paid cours­es all year around

Free Finnish lan­guage learn­ing resources

Learn­ing lan­guage does not only con­sist of going to lan­guage cours­es, but also prac­tic­ing the Finnish lan­guage in var­i­ous ways in your free time through speak­ing, lis­ten­ing, read­ing, and adapt­ing the lan­guage. If you are look­ing for var­i­ous resources to accel­er­ate or kick­start your Finnish-lan­guage learn­ing, check out these free resources!

Lan­guage clubs

Mobile apps

Oth­er learn­ing resources

There are var­i­ous resources online relat­ed to Finnish lan­guage learn­ing out­side of struc­tured cours­es. To learn or prac­tice vocab­u­lary and phras­es on var­i­ous lev­els, fol­low­ing web­sites are good options to find learn­ing mate­ri­als:

A good, casu­al way to hone your Finnish skills is to uti­lize media in the Finnish lan­guage. Lis­ten to pod­casts, read, lis­ten to music, and watch videos. The pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less! Here are some free resources to kick­start your immer­sion to Finnish lan­guage:

Note: If your orga­ni­za­tion pro­vides free learn­ing mate­ri­als for Finnish lan­guage learn­ers, please con­tact to inform the avail­abil­i­ty of your service/materials.