What projects and asso­ci­a­tions relat­ed to immi­grants are avail­able in the Oulu region?

This web­page lists projects relat­ed to immi­grants resid­ing in the Oulu region. More infor­ma­tion can be found on each project’s web­site.

From Home to School and Work­life, Vuolle Set­tle­ment­ti

From Home to Work­ing Life Func­tion­al Every­day Life for Immi­grants, OSAO

Motio/Tervarit Junior Ry

Opti­mum, PSOTTY Ry

Tas­su-han­ke / OAMK

Trau­ma Reha­bil­i­ta­tion KITU, ODL

Tuk­i­hel­mi, ODL

Yhden­ver­tainen Oulu


Työ­pa­joil­ta työelämään, ODL

Is your project or asso­ci­a­tion miss­ing from this list? Con­tact us: ihoulu@ouka.fi