An intro­duc­tion to Finnish work­ing life and cul­ture

International people at BusinessAsema

Are you curi­ous about Finnish work­ing life, and/or want to dive deep­er and get more detailed infor­ma­tion about Finnish work­ing cul­ture?

If you answered yes, then join us on Decem­ber 12th from 13:00–15:00 for the Finnish work­ing life and cul­ture ‑event.
Dur­ing this ses­sion we will dis­cuss and explore some of the main prin­ci­ples, myths and unwrit­ten rules of Finnish work­ing life and work­ing cul­ture and cre­ate an increased aware­ness of your rights as a work­er while work­ing in Fin­land.

The event is free of charge. Cof­fee and a snack will be served.

The train­er:

Orig­i­nal­ly from Ire­land, David Delahunty came to Oulu for a one-month hol­i­day over two decades ago and some­how still finds him­self here.

With exten­sive expe­ri­ence across var­i­ous fields such as teach­ing, research, train­ing, and entre­pre­neur­ship, David has made many mis­takes along the way, but also gained a deep under­stand­ing of Finnish work­ing life over the years. He is cur­rent­ly part of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu’s Tal­ent Boost team and has cre­at­ed numer­ous train­ings on Finnish work­ing life for com­pa­nies, uni­ver­si­ty staff and stu­dents.

David also serves as the co-chair of the immi­grant net­work for the Trade Union for the Pub­lic and Wel­fare Sec­tors (JHL), and is com­mit­ted to shar­ing knowl­edge and help­ing oth­ers nav­i­gate the Finnish work­ing envi­ron­ment .

David Delahunty