Finnish Work­ing Life and Cul­ture

Finnish Working Life and Culture

Are you start­ing a job in a Finnish com­pa­ny? Are you already work­ing in one, or are you just curi­ous about Finnish work­ing life, and Finnish work­ing cul­ture in gen­er­al?

If you answered yes to any of these ques­tions, then Join us at Busi­ness Ase­ma on the 8th of May from 14:00–16:00 for the Finnish work­ing life and cul­ture pop-up

Finnish work­ing life is in many cas­es very dif­fer­ent from work­ing cul­tures in oth­er coun­tries and has many fea­tures and unwrit­ten rules of which many inter­na­tion­als are not aware. Dur­ing this ses­sion we will dis­cuss and explore some of the main prin­ci­ples, myths and unwrit­ten rules of Finnish work­ing life and work­ing cul­ture, to (hope­ful­ly) ensure your smooth inte­gra­tion into Finnish work­ing life and cre­ate an increased aware­ness of your rights while work­ing in Fin­land.

The train­er:

Orig­i­nal­ly from Ire­land, David Delahunty came to Oulu for a one-month hol­i­day over two decades ago and some­how still finds him­self here.

For over twen­ty years David has worked in sev­er­al fields (teacher, researcher, train­er, bar­man, wait­er, entre­pre­neur, etc.) in Oulu and Lap­land and even learned Finnish (pret­ty well).

Dur­ing his many years of work­ing in Fin­land, David has made many, many mis­takes and found out the rules of Finnish work­ing life the hard way. Based on these expe­ri­ences, work­ing as part of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu’s Tal­ent Boost team, David has been on a mis­sion to ensure that oth­ers learn from his mis­takes and learn the rules of Finnish work­ing life as soon as pos­si­ble. He has cre­at­ed and giv­en sev­er­al train­ing ses­sions on Finnish cul­ture and work­ing life for com­pa­nies (soft land­ings), staff train­ing for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu staff and teach­es a course for stu­dents at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu.