Fin­nish Wor­king Life and Cul­tu­re

Finnish Working Life and Culture

Are you star­ting a job in a Fin­nish com­pa­ny? Are you alrea­dy wor­king in one, or are you just curious about Fin­nish wor­king life, and Fin­nish wor­king cul­tu­re in gene­ral?

If you answe­red yes to any of the­se ques­tions, then Join us at Busi­ness Ase­ma on the 8th of May from 14:00–16:00 for the Fin­nish wor­king life and cul­tu­re pop-up

Fin­nish wor­king life is in many cases very dif­fe­rent from wor­king cul­tu­res in other count­ries and has many fea­tu­res and unw­rit­ten rules of which many inter­na­tio­nals are not awa­re. During this ses­sion we will discuss and explo­re some of the main principles, myths and unw­rit­ten rules of Fin­nish wor­king life and wor­king cul­tu­re, to (hope­ful­ly) ensu­re your smooth inte­gra­tion into Fin­nish wor­king life and crea­te an inc­rea­sed awa­re­ness of your rights whi­le wor­king in Fin­land.

The trai­ner:

Ori­gi­nal­ly from Ire­land, David Dela­hun­ty came to Oulu for a one-month holi­day over two deca­des ago and some­how still finds him­self here.

For over twen­ty years David has wor­ked in seve­ral fields (teac­her, researc­her, trai­ner, bar­man, wai­ter, ent­repre­neur, etc.) in Oulu and Lapland and even lear­ned Fin­nish (pret­ty well).

During his many years of wor­king in Fin­land, David has made many, many mis­ta­kes and found out the rules of Fin­nish wor­king life the hard way. Based on the­se expe­riences, wor­king as part of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu’s Talent Boost team, David has been on a mis­sion to ensu­re that others learn from his mis­ta­kes and learn the rules of Fin­nish wor­king life as soon as pos­sible. He has crea­ted and given seve­ral trai­ning ses­sions on Fin­nish cul­tu­re and wor­king life for com­pa­nies (soft lan­dings), staff trai­ning for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu staff and teac­hes a cour­se for stu­dents at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu.