Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu 1 Year Anniver­sary

Join us as we cel­e­brate the 1‑year anniver­sary of Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu.

Explore insights and expe­ri­ences from our esteemed speak­ers, includ­ing open­ing words from Riku­pekka Leinonen (Coorid­i­na­tor of Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu).

Fol­lowed by Aicha Man­ai’s (CEO of Start­up Refugees) keynote; Mak­ing it Hap­pen in Fin­land — A Career Vision Work­shop.

We’ll have an excel­lent pan­el dis­cus­sion fea­tur­ing Nai­da Valen­cia, Iona Tim­peri, Jun Naka­mu­ra, and Irna Imamovic-Tokalic, shar­ing their expe­ri­ences work­ing in Finnish orga­ni­za­tions as for­eign­ers.

To top it off, Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu Ambas­sadors will share sto­ries from our #With­I­HOulu cam­paign and draw a win­ner from those who shared their #With­I­HOulu expe­ri­ence online.

The event is free of charge. See you there!