Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu Net­work­ing event – Sum­mer edi­tion

Two women chatting

How can you spend your sum­mer in Oulu? There are a lot to enjoy about Oulu in sum­mer when you know where to go!

Wel­come to Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma, net­work, know more about sum­mer activ­i­ties in Oulu’s trav­el, cul­ture and leisure areas.
Lis­ten to short pre­sen­ta­tions with some deli­cious snacks and tea and vis­it com­pa­ny stands or just min­gle!


This event is in Eng­lish and free of charge, and a reg­is­tra­tion in advance is required.

Host­ed by Nada Abass.

Ps. Read about the Pohjo­la road trav­el des­ti­na­tions here.