Job­Corner & Alfred: Sev­er­al open posi­tions for restau­rant pro­fes­sion employ­ees

Restaurant staff smiling

Alfred Kitchen & Bar is a new restau­rant whose “big broth­er” Gus­tav has been vot­ed one of the best restau­rants in Fin­land. Alfred will be open­ing in Oulu in Octo­ber 2023 and are look­ing for sev­er­al new employ­ees – includ­ing restau­rant and shift man­agers, chefs, and bar man­agers. Would any of these posi­tions be suit­able for you?

Are you look­ing for a new direc­tion in the restau­rant indus­try? Join us for a free at Job­Corner recruit­ment event on Thurs­day 29 of June to find out more about the open posi­tions at Alfred Kitchen & Bar. The restau­rant, which is open­ing in Oulu city cen­tre (Pakkahuoneenkatu 24), is hir­ing both Finnish and Eng­lish-speak­ing restau­rant pro­fes­sion­als.

The Tava­ta  ‑recruit­ment online tool will be avail­able at the event. Job­seek­ers should cre­ate their own pro­file on Tava­ta. The Alfred’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives will be look­ing at the pro­files and choose the suit­able employ­ees before and after the event through Tava­ta. So, if you are inter­est­ed, you can cre­ate a pro­file even if you can’t make it to the Job­Corner event on 29 June. Instruc­tions for Tava­ta will be sent to those who have reg­is­tered via Lyyt by email.


15.00–15.30: Alfred Kitchen & Bar intro­duc­tion and open posi­tions / Juha Eske­li­nen, entre­pre­neur
+ Ques­tions and answers
15.30–17.00: net­work­ing and dis­cus­sion with com­pa­ny rep­re­sen­ta­tives
Cof­fee will be served from 14.30 onwards.

Job open­ings

Restau­rant Man­ag­er (1 posi­tion)

Shift man­ag­er (2 posi­tions) with at least 3 years of expe­ri­ence in the restau­rant pro­fes­sion.

Kitchen shift man­ag­er (1 posi­tion) with a love and pas­sion for food.

Bar­tender (1 posi­tion) with a wide range of knowl­edge of dif­fer­ent bev­er­age prod­ucts and exper­tise in dif­fer­ent cock­tails and clas­sics.

Wait­ress (5 posi­tions)

Chef (4 posi­tions)

Open appli­ca­tions + CV by email:

The event is organ­ised by Business­Oulu and the TE-Office of North Ostro­both­nia.

Appli­ca­tion dead­line

Man­agers: appli­ca­tions by 31.7.2023
Waiters/Cooks: appli­ca­tions by 31.8.2023

Addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion

Sal­la Hir­vo­nen
Spe­cial­ist, solu­tions to cor­po­rate employ­ee needs, Business­Oulu
040 726 1842

Antti Haa­palainen
Spe­cial­ist, Event Coor­di­na­tor, North Ostro­both­nia TE office
0295 056 553

Alfred’s desire to trav­el was already on fire at a time when trav­el was not yet so fash­ion­able, and the images of the world were not seen into his home via tele­vi­sion. So close in the past is that time when the world was per­ceived with the eyes, curios­i­ty, and excite­ment. From his many trav­els have come infi­nite sto­ries and a suit­case full of recipes, tried and test­ed in ship’s chaos. Today, Alfred the Trav­eller’s curios­i­ty is more del­i­cate. After notic­ing his broth­er Gus­tav set­tling down in Rovanie­mi, he too was warmed by the thought of return­ing to his beloved home­town, Oulu. There, warm hugs, and hik­ing trips with his grand­chil­dren wait­ing for him. Lov­ing peo­ple, a good drink and tasty food are the prin­ci­ples of Alfred. That’s why he spares nei­ther effort nor kitchen songs when prepar­ing del­i­ca­cies for his loved ones, which can only be cre­at­ed with decades of uncom­pro­mis­ing expe­ri­ence.

Job­Corner – for job appli­cants and employ­ers to meet

Job­Corner is a free of charge recruit­ment ser­vice which is aimed at employ­ers as well as job seek­ers. Job­Corners are orga­nized togeth­er with the North­ern Ostro­both­nia TE ser­vices.

Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma is cre­at­ed for meet­ings such as these. It is very impor­tant to us that employ­ers meet their future work­ers. In Job­Corner, employ­ers and job appli­cants get a chance to meet each oth­er at Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma (Hal­li­tuskatu 36).