Come and find out about open posi­tions at Sono­co-Alcore Oy


Sono­co-Alcore Oy is estab­lish­ing a new core fac­to­ry in Oulu’s Äimärautio, and the com­pa­ny is recruit­ing now.

They are seek­ing:

Atten­tion! Basic Finnish skills need­ed.

Hear more about these vacan­cies on Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 22, from 5 to 7 p.m. You can par­tic­i­pate in the event on site at Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma (Hal­li­tuskatu 36 B, Oulu) or remote­ly.

The evening’s pro­gram:

Sono­co-Alcore Oy is part of the glob­al Sono­co group, which offers var­i­ous pack­ag­ing solu­tions for both con­sumers and indus­try. Sono­co has offices in 18 dif­fer­ent Euro­pean coun­tries and more than 300 offices around the world

Sono­co-Alcore has a sol­id posi­tion in Europe in the pro­duc­tion of spi­ral cores and core board. In Fin­land, the com­pa­ny has card­board and core fac­to­ries in Kot­ka (Korkeakos­ki) and a core fac­to­ry in Ruovesi. The fac­to­ries pro­duce high-qual­i­ty card­board from recy­cled fibre and fur­ther process it into cores for indus­tri­al use. Sono­co-Alcore employs around 150 peo­ple.

More infor­ma­tion about the event is avail­able from:

Jan­ni­ka Leinonen
Coor­di­na­tor, Business­Oulu
029 505 6371, jannika.leinonen(a)

Business­Oulu is organ­is­ing the event in coop­er­a­tion with the TE office of North Ostro­both­nia.