Job Hunt­ing and Net­work­ing on LinkedIn x 3

Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Opti­mum ‑project offers three Eng­lish speak­ing LinkedIn train­ing mod­ules for those who already use LinkedIn and need train­ing to deep­en their knowl­edge.

The train­er is “LinkedIn Guru” Tom Laine. His exper­tise spans all the way from 2004, when he got his first LinkedIn invi­ta­tion! Since then, Tom has used LinkedIn for just about any­thing and every­thing. Even sell­ing a com­pa­ny via a LinkedIn meet­ing request! He has held over 1500 train­ings around the globe.

You can reg­is­ter for all the mod­ules (free of charge) or select the most inter­est­ing ones. Please reg­is­ter for each train­ing via the links below.

  1. Build­ing a con­vinc­ing LinkedIn pro­file step-by-step
  2. Net­work­ing and con­tact­ing poten­tial employ­ers on LinkedIn
  3. Using LinkedIn for job search­ing
Linkedin training

Build­ing a con­vinc­ing LinkedIn pro­file step by step

Time: 14.3.2024, 12:00–16:00
Place: Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma, Hal­li­tuskatu 36 B, Tele­sali ‑meet­ing room
Tar­get group: Inter­na­tion­al job seek­ers who already have a LinkedIn pro­file


Net­work­ing and con­tact­ing poten­tial employ­ers on LinkedIn

Time: 19.3.2024, 12:00–16:00
Place: Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma, Hal­li­tuskatu 36 B, Tele­sali ‑meet­ing room
Tar­get group: Inter­na­tion­al job seek­ers who already have a LinkedIn pro­file


Using LinkedIn for job search­ing

Time: 28.3.2024, 12:00–16:00
Place: Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma, Hal­li­tuskatu 36 B, Tele­sali ‑meet­ing room
Tar­get group: Inter­na­tion­al job seek­ers who already have a LinkedIn pro­file
