Mega­Match­mak­ing is almost here – How to get the most out of one of Fin­land’s biggest recruit­ment events?


First, check out the com­pa­nies and exhibitors list­ed on the event web­site.

Get ready

Focus on the ones you’re most inter­est­ed in and vis­it their web­sites for more details. Update your CV, take it with you, and think about how you’ll present your­self to the com­pa­nies that catch your atten­tion at the fair.

You can arrive with a free bus ride from the city cen­tre

On Sep­tem­ber 25th, a free shut­tle bus will pro­vide non­stop ser­vice between Tor­in­ran­ta and Tullisali from the city cen­ter for the dura­tion of Mega­Match­mak­ing. The bus will start from Kaar­len­väylä in Tor­in­ran­ta.

Don’t be afraid to talk to employ­ers

With thor­ough prepa­ra­tion, approach­ing employ­ers becomes eas­i­er. Keep in mind that employ­ers are there to con­nect with tal­ent­ed job seek­ers.

Vis­it the Career Café

You get to talk to experts about dif­fer­ent top­ics, such as career choic­es, job seek­ing abroad and for for­eign­ers about job seek­ing in Fin­land, train­ing coun­selling, career guid­ance, entre­pre­neur­ship and start-up grants, as well as ser­vices for immi­grants.

Take advan­tage of the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a pro­fes­sion­al pho­to on your CV

There will also be a CV pho­to booth where job seek­ers can get a pro­fes­sion­al pho­to for their CV free of charge.

Attend inter­est­ing speech­es on the pro­gramme stage

Anna Per­ho will be the main speak­er, with addi­tion­al pre­sen­ters list­ed on the event web­site.

The event is host­ed by Business­Oulu and the North­ern Ostro­both­nia TE Office.

Atten­dance is free for all, and no pri­or reg­is­tra­tion is required.
