News and events

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”Oulu is a place where pas­sion­ate peo­ple and beau­ti­ful nature are wel­com­ing you”

Jun Nakamura is originally from Japan. Currently, he studies MSc. in International Business Management at the University of Oulu.

Here they are: IH Oulu ambas­sadors!

Pavani, Sara, Edurado and Jun are International House Oulu ambassadors 2023. Get a glimpse of their thoughts!

May­or Sep­po Määt­tä: “With Inter­na­tion­al House, Oulu will become a bet­ter city”

The opening ceremonies of International House Oulu (IH Oulu) at BusinessAsema were held over two days, and approximately 300 attendees participated.

Inte­grat­ing Inter­na­tion­al Tal­ent into Your Team

Are you ready to welcome new international talent to your team? Looking to attract and retain team-members from culturally diverse backgrounds?

Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu opens its doors

International House Oulu is a new, comprehensive service concept. It brings together guidance and counselling services for international customers on a single-window basis under one roof.

Come to net­work and cel­e­brate the open­ing of the Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu

International House Oulu is a place at BusinessAsema which collects different guidance services in one place! We are also delighted to introduce International House Oulu ambassadors.

For future Oulu cit­i­zens

Moving abroad and building a new life is an exciting, life-changing experience. But dealing with a different country can be challenging. Where should I begin?

Invi­ta­tion: Grand Open­ing of Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu

Welcome to the opening ceremony of International House Oulu on Tuesday, April 25.

Do you want to become an Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu ambas­sador?

You can promote and improve your skills and build a strong professional network.