News and events

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Board Games & Net­work­ing: The Christ­mas Spe­cial

Oulu, get ready! On December 19th, International House Oulu with Bloom Oulu will transform into a holiday wonderland of board games, networking, and a pinch of festive mischief.

An intro­duc­tion to Finnish work­ing life and cul­ture

Are you curious about Finnish working life, and/or want to dive deeper and get more detailed information about Finnish working culture?

Dri­ving in Fin­land: What Immi­grants Need to Know About Exchang­ing a Driver’s License 

If you’re planning to settle in Finland or have already begun your journey here, don’t forget an essential step — sorting out your driver’s license!

Reflec­tions on Tal­ent Day at Nokia

Our visit to Nokia during the International Talent Day offered valuable insights into the company’s culture and its approach to supporting international professionals.

A Taste of the Caribbean in Oulu

Robbie’s Story of Reinvention and Entrepreneurship.

Find­ing Home and Pur­pose: My Path from the UK to Fin­land

Hi, I'm Emma Farrow. I'm British and have been living in Finland since March 2020. I hold a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science.

From Iran to Oulu: Mitra’s Insights on Life in Oulu

My name is Mitra Marofi. I hold Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems from the University of Tehran, Iran.

Board Game Night and Net­work­ing.

Come Listen, talk with Us, and Stay for Games & Fun!

Vali­a’s Expe­ri­ence: Embrac­ing Life, Growth, and Com­mu­ni­ty in Oulu

I first came to Oulu in 2012, which was also my first trip to Europe.

A Taste of Brazil in Fin­land: An Inter­view with Ger­lân­dia Bar­ros

Gerlândia Barros stands behind the counter of her café, Samba Café, surrounded by the rich aromas of Brazilian coffee and the inviting scent of freshly baked pastries.

Vol­un­teer Work Oppor­tu­ni­ties Fair

Are you interested in volunteering and meeting organizations that offer volunteer opportunities? This event is perfect for you!