Join the Pic­nic with IH Oulu Ambas­sadors

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What bet­ter way to spend a sum­mer day than a pic­nic on the beach? Come to the funnest event in June, orga­nized for you by Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu and its Ambas­sadors.

We will offer a lim­it­ed amount of refresh­ments. We also encour­age peo­ple to take some pic­nic snacks of their own as well – if weath­er per­mits, you can enjoy BBQ at Nal­likari.

Bring your own pic­nic blan­ket and favorite sum­mer games you would like to play. Our event is free and open to every­one!
The event has a weath­er reser­va­tion.

See you there!